
Home Education The secrets to learning to speak English quickly

The secrets to learning to speak English quickly

by ravi suri
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Last modified on October 25th, 2021 at 9:53 am

peak English quickly

Are you tired of singing songs in English but making up the lyrics every time? Do you feel uncomfortable when anyone asks you for directions in English, and you don’t know how to help him? If yes, maybe you belong to that category of people who started studying English at school but never had the opportunity to chat with a native speaker of the same age.

Or again, you are one of those who understand English all right, but when it comes to speaking it, they remain petrified by the fear of getting the verbs or pronunciation wrong. Whether you need to be confident in spoken English or want to expand your 10th grade vocabulary base, today, you can have access to thousands of online resources to improve your English!

Obviously, these tips can never replace a detailed study of grammar and vocabulary, but they can be a starting point if, at the moment, you cannot leave for a study trip abroad or attend intensive courses.

Set yourself realistic goals- You have finally decided to resume studying English after a long time. But what should be prioritized? Does it take longer to improve in so-called “listening,” or is it more important to gain confidence in “speaking”? Improving your English takes time and dedication; no one expects you to be able to speak like Queen Elizabeth II within two weeks!

Therefore it is important to set practical and realistic goals, defining what you want to achieve from these study sessions and how you plan to pursue these goals. To start, you could aim to expand your vocabulary by learning about 30 new words a day at the spell quiz and trying to find situations in which to include the new words you have learned. 

After you have established which aspect of your English you intend to improve, you start researching the ideal method to achieve your goals as effectively as possible.

Improve English listening- Once you master English grammar basics, you can start trying your hand at watching content in the original language. You can start by watching your favorite movies or series with subtitles first in Italian, to train your ear, and then in English.

The advantage of this method is that in case the English part is not clear to you, you can always refer to your memory of the film or episode in your language.

Accustomed from an early age to dubbing on television and cinema, you will be amazed to finally discover the true voice of your favorite actors! Now you only have the perfect excuse to start a marathon of Friends or Star Wars!

Improve English with podcasts- Suppose the idea of ​​watching an entire movie in English with subtitles seems too challenging to you, and you still want to start with a text you already know. In that case, audiobooks are the perfect solution to improve your English listening skills!

There are millions of books available to your ears, which you can listen to as and when you want! You could start with a great classic from your childhood, like the Harry Potter saga, and then effortlessly move on to an Agatha Christie mystery or a Stephen King thriller.

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If you’re more interested in staying updated with what’s happening in the world or you want to deepen a topic at will, the podcasts are the alternative for you! Online, you can find multitudes of podcasts in English, for example, podcasts made on the most diverse topics and adapted for each level of English.

Plan your learning- Here, now you are finally ready to get down with the studio! But you have to keep in mind that, even with all the will in the world, you will struggle to maintain the right motivation to train every day without a structured plan.

All you need to do is set aside a couple of hours a day to devote to listening to a podcast or watching a tutorial on YouTube. Or you can dedicate one evening a week to watching your favorite film in the original language. Also, it is important to facilitate regular spelling practice for adults.

Conclusion: So you will keep the consistency to continue with the study day after day, and you will be able to see the first results after a short time!

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