
Home Business Best Employee Time Tracking App For Growing Businesses 2023

Best Employee Time Tracking App For Growing Businesses 2023

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Best Employee Time Tracking App

If you have a small business that tends to grow, then you must have encountered a familiar problem – losing precious time. Whether your employees are late for work or ineffective, it will cost you money. Isn’t it better to invest some of that money in an efficient time-tracking app? Certainly, but which is the best employee time-tracking app? Here are some suggestions that could be a good choice for your growing business in 2023.

Wasting Time Is Equal To Losing Money For Companies

Every job, regardless of what it is, requires quality, precision – and, above all, efficiency. We live in a time where everything happens quickly, so wasting time equals wasting money or an investment. To avoid this, we must carry out thorough control. Of course, no one enjoys entering data related to working hours, working hours, delays, sick leave, etc. All of this can be too tiring, and at the same time, it also takes time. Therefore, apps for tracking working hours are a great thing and a useful tool that you will find helpful.

Choosing the Best Time-Tracking Software

Today, we are inundated with different time-tracking software, so employers often find themselves in a dilemma about which software to opt for. We did a little research, and hopefully, we can help you choose the best employee time-tracking app among some from our list.

  • Buddy Punch

In the world of small business, this is already a well-known app. According to user ratings, it is one of the best-rated and highly ranked apps in this category. Some even consider it the best employee time-tracking app. This app has a punch clock, a network time card, and a system for creating the schedule for your employees. Therefore, you will have a pretty clear insight into arrivals and departures, absences, and the systematization of shifts. In addition, this app also has the option of automatically calculating overtime, wages, etc. Overall, it will ease obligations and save time for every small business.

  • Toggle Track

This is an app used by millions of users – and has very positive user reviews. However, even if we do not rely on reviews, we can see it is very convenient for small businesses considering all the features. Namely, Toggl Track, first of all, offers you the possibility of using the app on several different platforms. In addition, by monitoring the data, you will have the opportunity to see exactly where the problem is – and you will optimize your business flow and improve it. Teams or individuals can use this software – and its great advantage is in providing reports that help you to always be informed about the use of time as well as what you spend it on. It also has several features, of which it is worth mentioning those related to the assessment of the profitability of the project, chargeable rates, etc.

  • Clockify

We can say that this is another exceptional app that resembles a lot to Toggl Track. Namely, using this app is based on a very similar principle and has almost the same features. We will mention the report system, which is of great use to employers. A free time tracking tool also allows you to control employee breaks and the like. Of course, it has a GPS that makes work easier for your employees who are on the road or in another location – but still can track the working process through a mobile app.


These are just some of the best-rated and most-used apps of this kind in 2023. However, you should choose the best employee time-tracking app according to the needs of your company. Keep in mind it should be simple, clear, and easy to use. This way you will have much better control, and your business will remain growing.

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