
Home Technology 5 Reasons You Need to Invest in Walkie Talkies for Your Business

5 Reasons You Need to Invest in Walkie Talkies for Your Business

by joshua4u
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Walkie talkie athena phone

No matter what business you’re in, assertive communication can pose a challenge. In a sea of emails and posts, important messages can often get lost, making tasks challenging for managers and operational employees. Businesses are moving away from dedicated “work phones” and choosing to use walkie-talkies for intra-company communication. 

Introducing two-way radios to your office can provide many benefits to your firm. 

These are 5 reasons why your business should switch:

Communication with one to one communication with all

Unlike smartphones, which often have areas without service, two-way radios provide reliable, consistent reception. Everyone will be able to communicate regardless of their location. Dropped calls or postponed calls due to poor service can be avoided with a device that provides a constant connection. 

In addition to staying in touch with one person, you can also have conversations with a group of people. Many businesses have to use extra software and smartphones to enable communication between more than two people. These devices and software can be expensive. Two-way radios for companies provide a simple, one-step solution that makes organizations more accessible and more cost-effective. You could, for example, use two-way radios in your pub to communicate with your employees. It will work even if your employees are in the basement or have no access to the internet.


You don’t want to buy your clumsy project manager a work phone after they spilt water all over their keyboard? There’s no need to worry – get a waterproof radio. The two-way radio is far more durable than the average smartphone, so investing in a set will be an investment that will last for years. You won’t have to stress about paying for display replacements or purchasing new devices. These instructions are for anyone working in the elements, such as construction workers, lifeguards, park rangers, or even clumsy project managers. 

Did you miss your old brick Motorola phone that was charged every two weeks? You can get the same battery life from Motorola 2 way business radios. In most cases, if not all, radios will offer a longer battery life than any smartphone you may purchase for your business. Managers can rest assured that their employees can stay in touch even if they have forgotten their charger at home.


It is significantly cheaper to invest in a high-quality set of 2-way business radios than to purchase smartphones and phone plans for all of your employees. Business band devices for sale cost less than one smartphone, let alone devices for everybody in your office. Additionally, they will last longer. As a result of their durability, you won’t have to worry about smartphone repairs and replacements. Furthermore, radios eliminate the need to purchase extra team communication software, saving you even more money. It is a highly cost-effective investment when considering all the additional costs associated with conventional communication methods currently used in most businesses. 

No frills communication

Business walkie talkies or push to talk are a straightforward, no-nonsense way to communicate with your employees. On a walkie talkie, you can’t scroll through Instagram. Even if everyone on your team isn’t guilty of getting distracted by apps, social media, removing the temptation means time won’t be wasted on unnecessary tasks. 

The problem can not only affect productivity, but it may also affect safety. Since a smartphone can download almost anything, it is more susceptible to viruses and spyware. Radios containing only pre-approved software allow people to communicate even the most sensitive company information without worrying about devices being hacked or information being leaked.

User beneficial

Android users will not have to learn how to use an iPhone and vice versa. It can be time-consuming and costly to demonstrate how to use hundreds of people’s work phones, even though it may seem like a simple, menial task. People of all ages are already familiar with the essential functions of two-way radios. Having consistent methods of communication throughout all levels of management in the workplace encourages the use of a single type of training that is not too complicated.

Furthermore, a radio’s dependability allows users to go about their day without worrying about things like their device breaking or dying. It makes utilization easier as you can pick up your radio whenever you need it. By making communication more user friendly, everyone is more likely to have more reliable communication and instant messaging apps

It seems like walkie talkies are a great marketing tool for businesses

Two-way radios can streamline the functioning of your workplace in a variety of ways. It is possible that this easy communication method could offer many other benefits depending on your industry. 

NouovoTeam PTT tool can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your business. It is easy for employees to carry out their work if they have a reliable, easy method of delegating tasks and discussing important information. Happy employees are usually more productive. Stress reduction at work will make for a more organized, more motivated workplace. 

You and your employees need to determine which radios are best for your company. It would be helpful if you avoided the pitfalls of poor communication. By checking out The Walkie Talk Guide, you can take the first step to a better business. 

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