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What is the main motive of the Aadhaar card document?

by Kashif Khan
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Aadhaar cards are now more essential than ever and are being used more and more frequently. Discover the many uses for Aadhaar and the fundamental reason for its establishment in India by reading this article. As we all know, Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number provided to every Indian citizen by the Unique Identification Authority of India. It was started in 2009 with the goal of giving everyone a global identity after collecting the user’s biometric information,. such as iris scan and fingerprints, and demographic data, such as birth date and address. The UIDAI is in charge of maintaining Aadhaar numbers as well as creating and putting in place the required infrastructure for distributing Aadhaar card. In this article, we will look into everything there is to Aadhaar and understand the main objective behind its introduction.

Purpose of Aadhaar

The Aadhaar project was launched as an effort to create a single, distinctive identifying number or document that would include all of an Indian resident’s information. Permanent account numbers (PANs), passports, driver’s license, and ration cards are just a few of the several identity documents currently in use in the nation. The Aadhaar can serve as the only form of identification (and address) proof, though it does not entirely replace them. Financial institutions, telecom corporations, and other companies that keep customer profiles utilize it as the foundation for Know Your Customer rules.

Usage of Aadhaar

For Residents

Residents around the country can have their identities verified online and offline thanks to the Aadhaar system. Once an entity has registered, it can use the 12-digit number to establish and authenticate their identity either online or offline, depending on the situation. It eliminates the inconvenience of frequently needing to present proof of identity whenever a person wishes to access services, perks, or subsidies. To qualify for various government welfare programmes and subsidies, including those for LPG, kerosene, and scholarships, you must have an Aadhaar.

For Governments, Service Agencies

Only after de-duplicating residents’ demographic and biometric features against its database are Aadhaar numbers supplied to residents. Aadhaar verification helps to eliminate duplications under various programmes and produce significant savings for the government coffers. With precise beneficiary information available to the government, various programmes can be coordinated and optimized by government agencies and service providers. Implementing agencies can confirm beneficiaries with Aadhaar and ensure that benefits are delivered to the right people.

Crucial Information

Is it unsafe to share a photocopy of your Aadhaar card since it could be used fraudulently.This is the issue that arose after the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) first advised the public not to give any organisation a photocopy of their Aadhaar and later revoked that advice due to concerns that it could be misinterpret.

Bottom Line

Every Indian citizen now has access to a single identity thanks to the Aadhaar scheme. The card itself is sufficient documentation of identity, residence, and date of birth. Since each person will have a single unique number, it is anticipated that this will aid in reducing corruption. As additional government programmes are introduced that make having an Aadhaar necessary. it’s possible that it will gain greater attention in the years to come.

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