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What Is The Difference Between Quran And Bible?

by Kashif Khan
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What Is The Difference Between Quran And Bible?

The Quran and the Bible are two of the most important religious texts in history, but few people realize that the two share an astonishing amount of similarities despite their apparent differences on the surface. Both texts espouse values of forgiveness, acceptance, and peace, and both have come under fire by those seeking to use them to justify violent behavior toward members of minority groups or peaceful peoples living outside of the original boundaries of their holy lands. On top of all this, both texts have been translated into hundreds of languages so that people around the world can understand and respect their messages without needing to learn another language to do so.

The Sources

The main difference between Quraan and Bible is that Quraan has a living, visible and accessible source. Although hundreds of years have passed since Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s demise yet, his teachings are preserved in their original language. We can listen to and watch his teachings, read them, and learn from them every day while all that remains of Jesus Christ are translated books available at most Christian libraries. 

Online Quran Academy is an authentic online resource where people who wish to study Islam can find thousands of free resources about Islam and Muslims. Many lessons on Islam here have been prepared by individuals from Muslim as well as non-Muslim communities who live in different parts of the world.

Difference Between Quran and Bible

Bible is a collection of books which are believed to be divinely inspired and without error. Bible literally means Book in Greek. Quran, on the other hand, is a sacred text in Islam which Muslims believe was revealed by God through Archangel Gabriel to Muhammad in Arabic. It comprises of 114 chapters, with each chapter being called as a sura or ayah (meaning signs or verses). 

Quran also speaks about different prophets found in the bible, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Jesus Christ. The Christians believe that Old Testament is incomplete because it does not include new revelations given by God after Jesus’ death. Hence they call the Christian part of the bible as New Testament.

The Books

The first two major books, known as The Five Books of Moses and also referred to as The Torah, are in Judaism. They are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In Christianity, those books make up what is called The Old Testament, with The New Testament being composed of a collection of letters written by Jesus’ apostles as well as others about Jesus and his teachings.

These include Paul’s letters to various churches as well as a book attributed to Luke recounting Christ’s life from birth to ascension into heaven. Similarly, in Islam, these books, along with some others, make up what is called The Holy Qu’ran. 

Interpretation of Al Quran

The word Quran is an Arabic word and is related to a process of reciting. As you already know, Muslims are told to recite Al Quran every day as part of their worship practice. In fact, there are specific prayers for every occasion, including waking up in the morning, going to bed at night, and before meals.

Once Muslims have completed memorizing Al Quran in its entirety, they must then move on to studying it. This means looking into what each verse means and how it can be applied to everyday life. 

There are many different interpretations of the Al Quran, with some scholars interpreting verses differently from others. This can sometimes lead to disagreement among Muslim scholars. For example, some scholars believe that women should not be allowed to lead prayer, while others believe that women should be allowed to do so if they wish.

The Holy Spirit

The Qur’an makes a distinction between God’s holy spirit and what is believed to be Satan’s breath. According to Islamic belief, Satan’s breath can only lead you astray from God. In order to be in line with Islam, you must submit your will to God and allow Him (not Satan) to direct your path. The Qur’an states that what we feel inside us is Allah guiding us, not Satan.

The human soul is a piece of Allah, and connecting with Him is similar to plugging into an electrical outlet; it charges our inner battery. Once fully charged, your soul can then think for itself and make decisions for good or bad.

Other Similarities between Qur’an & Bibles

The similarity between Qur’an and Bible is also clear from their list of Prophets/Messengers. For example, both Qur’an and Bibles tell us that Noah (Nooh) was sent as a prophet to his people; Moses (Musaa) was sent to Pharaoh and his people; Jesus (Isa) was sent to Israelites and his apostles; Muhammad (PBUH) was sent as a messenger for all humankind.

Both books have three main categories: Zikr or Remembrance of God, Salah or Prayer, and Zakat or Charity. Both books call human beings to use their faculties: their sense (sight in case of Qur’an, eyes in case of Bibles), ears, etc. This obviously means listening as well as reading!


What is the Difference between Quran and Bible? The Qur’an is believed by Muslims to be revealed to Muhammad during a period of twenty-three years (beginning in 610 CE) by God through his angel Gabriel as written in Arabic. The content of scriptures claimed to be divine revelation has been important over its history, with various sects disagreeing on which parts are allegorical and which are literal, which may have some basis in historical fact or not. While there are many similarities with Judaism and Christianity concerning text and core beliefs, there are also important differences: notably concerning Allah’s alleged relationship with Jesus.

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