A credit card is quickly becoming the most common item in everyone’s wallet because it allows you to collect reward points for every dollar spent. When it comes to credit cards, SBI Credit Cards are one of the most commonly used. Not only because it is widely accepted, but it also allows you to benefit from discounts on common purchases. However, there are a variety of other reasons why people apply for an SBI credit card, as Best credit cards in India among all other credit cards:
SBI Credit Card Benefits
1. Lower interest rate: This is one of the most essential features of the SBI credit card that distinguishes it from its competitors. You can transfer your balance from other credit cards to an SBI credit card using an SBI credit card. It also allows you to convert the balance on your SBI credit card into EMIs.
2. Rewards: Users of SBI credit cards can earn reward points on every purchase.
3. Flexipay: With this option, you can pay down your credit card account in instalments. You have the option of repaying the loan over 6, 9, 12, or 24 months. Within 30 days of purchasing, you can easily convert a transaction worth more than Rs 500.
4. Easy Encashment: Easy encashment is another essential aspect that attracts people to apply for an SBI Credit Card. It is useful when you are in desperate need of money and have no other options for getting a quick loan. In that case, you can use your SBI credit card to get fast cash up to or even above your credit limit, depending on your needs. The appropriate quantity of dollars is easily credited into your account within 48 hours using this service. The loan can be repaid in 24, 12, or a maximum of 36 months. When it comes to processing fees, the bank simply charges one-time processing fees of 2% of the encashed amount.
5. Utility bill payments: The SBI credit card aids in the management of daily expenses, particularly when it comes to utility bill payments. The following services are available while making payments:
Auto bill Pay
Register and pay
Pay fast
Top-up and Recharge
Visa Bill Pay
6. SBI is an easily accessible channel: The SBI credit card offers unrivalled accessibility. It offers the following services to customers:
SBI Card online: To access this, go to sbicard.com and log in. It allows you to rapidly access account information. You can also book benefits and services on your credit card to take advantage of various offers and incentives.
Go Mobile: You can download the SBI Card mobile app, which makes it extremely simple to access all of the information related to your account.
Missed Call Service: You can get all of your credit card information by just dialling a missed call.
7.Card Upgrade: You can upgrade your SBI Credit Card at any moment to get improved privileges and incentives.
8. Add-on card: This feature allows you to add a second card holder for free. When your credit limit is shared, get a monthly credit card statement at the same time to keep things easy and convenient.
9. Annual fee reversal: If you spend a minimum of 1 lakh on your SBI credit card, you are eligible for annual fee reversal.
10. ATM Cash: This service allows you to withdraw money up to 75 percent of your credit limit by swiping your SBI card at any ATM in India.
SBI Credit Card provides customers with a selection of cards to meet their specific demands and preferences. It could be used for shopping, travel, dining, premium, and so on, depending on your need. Go to the website and choose the best option for you.
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