Is it OK to own and drive a used hearse? It is indeed legal to own and drive used hearses. Used hearses can be purchased or sold like any other vehicle. There are benefits and downsides to owning and driving a used hearse. There are a good number of used hearse owners who enjoy the experience and get good value from their hearses.
How Do People Find Used Hearses for Sale?
There are several ways to find used hearses for sale. A person can start by getting on the internet and looking for listings for used hearse for sale. This is a good place to start because it helps a person see what models of used hearses are for sale and what the average asking prices are. This will tell a person what age and type of hearse they can afford. Will an older classic model of hearse work for a person on a small budget? Does a person want a newer model hearse with more features?
One popular make of hearses people look for is the Cadillac. They have attractive styling and a good reputation. Other makers include Lincoln, LaSalle, Volvo, and Ford. There are other models available from some dealers. Cadillacs and Lincolns seem to be the gold standard of used hearses. They have name recognition, quality engineering, and good styling.
Online used hearse shopping is convenient for researching the market and pricing. But, many of the hearses will be located in another city or state and must be transported to the buyer. This could add to the cost of purchasing a used hearse. Also, it is not easy to see all parts of the vehicle before purchasing. Long-distance purchases require a lot of trust and a spirit of adventure. Taking a short vacation to visit the hearse being considered for purchase might be a good idea. If the financing is in place and the vehicle meets one’s expectations, it could be driven home.
Another solution for finding the perfect affordable used hearse could be contacting all the funeral homes and used car dealers within a convenient distance. It would be relatively easy to drive to each used hearse location to personally inspect it. There would be no transportation costs. This is a great solution if there are used hearses available that meet a buyer’s wish list and budget. But, if none are available, a person can revert to the online used hearse dealers.
Why Do People Want to Drive Used Hearses?
Hearses are often specially ordered by the funeral home so buying one of these is like getting a custom vehicle. They started out as custom luxury vehicles with an extra-long chassis to make room for coffins. Since there is a limited market for used hearses, the prices are reasonable compared to other models from manufacturers. For people who do not mind the fact that these vehicles transported dead people in coffins, great deals are to be had.
Because of the storage space hearses have in the back, they are good vehicles for a lot of small business owners to use for transporting job materials. Small business people like builders, plumbers, electricians, computer or appliance repair services, and more can make good use of used hearses. There will be a few strange looks and comments, but for those who do not care what other people think, this is an option.
There are whole groups of people who band together to form used hearse owner clubs to support each other. It can be “kind of cool” to own a hearse.