
Home Business Top 7 Learning Management System Projects to Contribute

Top 7 Learning Management System Projects to Contribute

by Khubaib Rasheeda
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Online learning programs are really important for businesses and schools. To produce these programs, you will need a proper system that provides creation, tracking and management. This type of system is often used in business management to teach and hire new employees. It is widely used by schools and universities worldwide to offer better education.

However, do not worry about selecting a suitable system for your virtual classes. This article will present my list of the best available free and open-source learning management software. Feel free to use it for your open source contribution!

If your business or school has a limited number of employees, the free system is very easy to use. The open source tool makes it possible for everyone to view and edit software code according to its requirements. Before I share the details of a free and open-source learning management system, let me talk about some crucial facts regarding these systems.

What is an LMS?

A generally used LMS system helps make advanced training easy and convenient. An LMS application can be used for the administration, management and delivery of educational programs, training or developmental programs. LMS allows you to design, distribute and follow-up from anywhere using any device.

LMS is a powerful tool for consulting firms that are dedicated to staffing and training, extension schools, and corporations that want to have more firm control over their employees’ progress in education. The analysis of the latest research shows that by 2026, it was predicted to reach USD10.62 billion in market value for a global corporate learning management system.

You know that these Open Source Learning Management System Projects are easily available on platforms such as Open Source Collection, Github, or Gitlab. So if you want to contribute or use them you can visit these sites…

Top 7 Open Source Learning Management System Projects

Here we are sharing a list of some very easy-to-use and easily available Top 7 Open Source Learning Management System Projects. These all projects are available at OSC(Open Source Collection).


Unifiedtransform is free school software, which performs a lot of functions to maintain the smooth running of the institution. It is open source and you can read its code as well as modify it freely. The reason why this program became available in the first place is that its creator observed there was no effective application for school management which was also free to use, so he decided it make one. Now, due to Unifiedtransformer schools can do many different things and ensure everything is as it should be. It’s like having an assistant who will take care of all the major responsibilities in a school.


Picture a free personalized learning device created specifically for teachers and those who train them. This is a cloud based tool that can be construed as your personal space online. It allows you to quickly develop and share your course resources with learners online. We also have a customized version for groups of all sizes like schools or training organizations to make it appear personal. This is like having your very own virtual classroom.


LAVSMS is something like a open source software which works as an assistant to the schools and colleges, developed on Laravel 8. Think of it like a wizard behind the curtain that makes everything run smoothly! There are various types of user in the context of LAVSMS usage. And so, there are the important big bosses known as Administrators of two types – Super Admin and Admin. After that, the project has a Librarian who looks after books; Accountant does money stuffs teachers take care of students and last but not least Students with their Parent is an essential aspect of this learning journey.


This software is similar to a friendly school computer assistant and here it comes. It’s completely free! This is what we refer to as an Open-source Student Information System, simply like a useful magic wand tool that allows everybody – teachers and school leaders alike – see vital information online. It could be possible to look at who are in the class, create agendas check grades and behavior; even billing students if it’s appropriate. It’s as if it is the ultimate bag of necessary tools for everyone involved in the school system ensuring that every person has access to information they need to make a wonderful place out of this whole ‘school world’.


StudX is an interesting online school software. It is similar to a very smart friend built using Python3 and the Django framework. The fact that StudX records vital information about the students, teachers and staff personnel makes it awesome. It is similar to a virtual filing cabinet, in which all the information that any school can need on each given day is available. From personal information to the management of major tasks in school, StudX can be thought as a superhero with respects to organization within schools and how everything just runs smoothly.


Moodle functions as a free tool that enables one to develop individualized courses. This open source LMS system is through analytics able to analyse the effectiveness of training programs, and virtual classrooms and generate certificates. Direct learning paths allow it to develop and control courses based on various needs. The classes can be delivered online, hybrid instructor-led / self-paced and so on.


With TalentLMS it is not just about creating courses and managing educational materials, but simplifying and strengthening the entire training process. This open-source learning management application best fits interactive web training. It operates as a very customizable cloud-based learning management system that supports users to run their training, seminars and courses online with ease.

Final Thoughts

The seven LMS projects featured as the Top 7 Learning Management Systems allow individuals to contribute and help resolve issues within the realm of online education. Each project has its own peculiarities and functional capabilities, representing a wide variety of choices for enthusiastic contributors. Through involvement in these initiatives, contributors are not only improving their coding ability but also becoming an essential part of the virtual learning revolution.

However, these LMS projects that foster this collaborative effort contribute to the accessibility and reliability of online education for students worldwide. However, if you’re a pro or even aspiring developer then don’t hesitate to join these projects and become part of the community which is working to make online education more efficient.

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