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Things You Need To Know Before Pursuing A Nursing Career

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Last modified on April 25th, 2023 at 6:35 am

Pursuing A Nursing Career

Are you considering a career in nursing? Nursing can be an exciting choice with the potential to impact people’s lives and provide a fulfilling career positively. However, before diving into this dynamic profession, being well-informed is essential.

You need to know various aspects of studying for a nursing degree and working as a nurse. Having data about the state where you plan to pursue your degree and work is even more critical. For instance, aspiring Virginian nurses be informed about the current nursing shortage in the state and if getting a nursing degree will get them job opportunities.

Now that you have a prevue of what to look for when pursuing a nursing career, here are some factors to consider.

1. Know the educational requirements

Nurses are required to undergo formal education. It ensures you have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and competent care to patients.

Different entry-level nursing pathways include the following.

  • Diploma programs: Offered by some hospitals or nursing schools and usually take 1 to 3 years to complete
  • Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN): Usually a 2-3 year program offered at community colleges.
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN): A 4-year program offers comprehensive education in nursing, encompassing general education courses and clinical experiences.

With changing healthcare needs and patient care becoming more demanding and intricate, hospitals prefer BSN nurses over ADN and diploma nurses. In Virginia, for example, the State Board of Nursing recommends that aspiring nurses pursue a BSN as the entry-level education for professional nursing practice. It explains the growing interest of nurses in online BSN programs.

The presence of good institutions helps aspiring nurses pursue their higher education goals. For instance, Radford University online programs that CCNE accredits provide an excellent option for nurses. Moreover, these are affordable and offer the liberty to work and study simultaneously.

In summary, researching and choosing a nursing education program that meets your career goals and aligns with your aspirations is crucial. Ensuring the program is accredited and recognized by the relevant authorities helps you obtain a nursing license.

2. Know the Licensing requirements

Obtaining the necessary licenses is critical for aspiring nurses to enter the profession and practice legally. After completing the nursing program, you must pass a licensure exam (NCLEX-RN) to obtain a nursing license. This exam gauges the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and competence in nursing practice and providing safe care to the public.

Licensing requirements may vary by country, state, and nursing specialty. Many nursing regulatory bodies require candidates to undergo a background check, including criminal history, to ensure patient safety and protect the public.

It’s essential to be aware of any requirements related to background checks and unveil any relevant information during the application process. Prospective nurses must be mindful of these requirements before pursuing a nursing career.

3. Demonstrate the required personality Traits

In addition to education and licensing, you must possess certain personal qualities and traits that underwrite professional success. These qualities and attributes are essential in building meaningful relationships with patients. They also help provide safe and competent care and navigate the complexities of healthcare settings. 

Here are some traits you must possess:

  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills

As a nurse, you will encounter complex situations that necessitate solving complex problems and thinking critically. The ability to assess situations, analyze information, and make educated decisions is crucial in providing par excellence and effective patient care.

  • Flexibility

Nursing can be unpredictable, and adapting and being flexible to changing situations is essential. You must be able to adjust your plans, think on your feet, and handle unexpected challenges that may arise in the healthcare setting.

  • Cultural competence

Nurses care for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Being culturally competent is essential in providing patient-centered care. Understanding and respecting patients’ beliefs, values, and customs from diverse cultures build trust and help provide culturally sensitive care.

If you see yourself having the traits mentioned above or are even inclined to learn while working, you can pursue a career in nursing.

4. Know the challenges of the profession

Nursing can be a physically and psychologically demanding profession. Therefore, you must know the work environment and challenges you may face as a nurse. Here are some of the challenging of the nursing profession:

  • Work settings

As a nurse, you will work in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, schools, etc. Each setting brings unique demands and expectations, requiring you to adapt.

  • Tough shift schedule

Nurses have long shifts and unpredictable schedules due to rotating shifts. Working around the clock can interfere with their sleep patterns and affect your work-life balance. As a nurse, you must develop strategies to maintain your well-being and improve your time management skills.

  • Physical Demands

Nurses spend long hours on their feet. They execute physically challenging responsibilities such as lifting and transferring patients and are exposed to infectious diseases. Such tasks require managing your physical health, including proper body mechanics and self-care practices.

  • Emotional challenges and distress

Emotional challenges are also prevalent in nursing. As a nurse, you will often deal with distressed patients, witness suffering, and may experience patient deaths. Managing emotions and providing empathetic care while coping with these situations can be emotionally taxing. So you must be able to develop coping strategies and seek support when needed to maintain your emotional well-being.

Despite the challenges, nursing can be a rewarding profession. Being aware of the work environment and challenges help you prepare for the realities of the profession. It encourages you to develop strategies to cope with them effectively, ensuring a fulfilling and successful nursing career.

5. Understand legal considerations

Understanding the legal framework that governs nursing practice is also essential. This includes the knowledge of state and federal laws, the scope of practice, and legal liabilities.

You must be conscious of the legal repercussions of your actions and adhere to professional standards to ensure patient safety and avoid legal conflicts. Staying updated with up-to-the-minute legal and ethical guidelines is essential to practice nursing ethically and legally.

You can access various resources and organizations. Available options include professional nursing associations, state boards of nursing, and legal consults for legal and ethical guidance.


In conclusion, pursuing a nursing career requires more than just passion and dedication. It involves understanding and meeting the licensing requirements that vary by country, state, and specialty. From knowing about accredited nursing programs and passing licensure exams to understanding emotional and physical demands, you must be well-informed about the requirements of your profession.

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