
Home Business Metal Roofing: The Best Choice for Today’s Homes?

Metal Roofing: The Best Choice for Today’s Homes?

by Bryan Cunningham
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Metal Roofing

While asphalt shingles still protect most U.S. homes, housing experts suggest metal roofing is often a better option. Modern metal roofing goes beyond simple panels, and many homeowners are discovering the styles provide a look that’s difficult to match. Here are a few reasons to consider metal roofing for your home.

Metal Roofs are Cost Effective

Many property owners shy away from metal roofing products because their initial cost is higher than asphalt shingles. However, roofing experts recommend looking at the total cost of ownership rather than focusing on the higher initial expense. Most better-quality asphalt shingle roofs last from 20 to 30 years, but metal roofing products are expected to last up to 70 years, which means owners would replace shingle roofing at least three times before the metal roof would need replacing. Consider going to for additional information.

In addition, the cost of maintaining asphalt shingle roofs is relatively high. Storm damage requires repairs, and strong winds frequently tear shingles off home roofs, meaning those shingles will have to be replaced. Metal roofing can be damaged, but the odds are significantly lower than are common for shingle roofing. Maintenance needs are minimal, with the most common issues being with flashing around roof penetrations like vents and chimneys.

Home Values Go Up When Metal Roofing is Used

Home buyers understand the advantages of metal roofing, and most are willing to pay a premium for homes with metal roofing installed. In most cases, owners can expect to recover up to 94% of their investment, depending on the region. So, even homeowners who plan to move sooner rather than later see financial benefits from installing a metal roof rather than settling for asphalt shingles.

Home Insurance Rates May Go Down

Wildfires threaten large portions of the country, and homeowners living in those areas often see higher home insurance premiums. Even homes in areas not threatened by wildfires experience threats from fires on adjacent properties spreading to their homes. When metal roofing is used, the threat of fire is significantly reduced, and many insurance companies offer lower premiums to homeowners who install metal roofing.

So, check with your insurance carrier to see what discounts are available for property owners who install metal roofing. If your current insurance carrier doesn’t offer discounts for properties with metal roofs, consider shopping around for a different insurance company that does.

Metal Roofs Reduce Your HVAC Expenses

With the cost of heating and cooling skyrocketing in many areas, choosing a roof that reduces energy consumption is wise. Metal roofing is estimated to reduce AC operating expenses by up to 40 percent when lighter colors are used and the material is correctly installed. Savings on winter heating bills are not as significant, but experts suggest metal roofing cuts heating costs by up to 15 percent.

To save the most, select lighter colors that reflect more heat during the warm months of the year. Colors like white, beige, or light pastels are more reflective than darker colors, so look for lighter colors that match your overall decorating scheme and won’t clash with neighboring homes.

Metal Roofing is Recyclable

Going green is important to many homeowners, and selecting a metal roof is one way to accomplish that objective. Metal roofing is 100 percent recyclable, and most new metal roofing is manufactured using at least 25 percent recycled materials. Asphalt shingles, on the other hand, are not commonly recycled in many parts of the country. They end up in local landfills instead. While more areas are exploring ways to recycle asphalt shingles, the most common strategy is to recycle old shingles as a component in paving materials for roads.

Removing the Old Roof May Not Be Necessary

Removing an existing roof is costly, but installing a new metal roof over old shingles is often possible. Discuss the issue with a roofing expert to determine the pros and cons of leaving an existing roof in place when installing a new metal roof. Local codes vary, which means homeowners shouldn’t assume they can leave the old roof in place. Always check with local building officials when planning a new roof installation to determine which options are available.

Metal Roofing is Available in a Variety of Styles

In the past, metal roofing options were limited. In most instances, there were only a couple of options to choose from. That’s not the case today. Here are a few options now available.

  • Standing Seam Roofing. This option has been around for many years, and many property owners still opt for the look and feel of standing seam roofing materials. Standing seam metal roofing is also more affordable than some other metal roofing styles.
  • Shake-Style Metal Roofing. Metal shake options look a lot like hand-split shake roofing without all the maintenance. In addition, metal shake roofing is available in colors that blend well with your needs and the look of other homes in the neighborhood.
  • Slate-Look Panels. This style mimics the look of slate without the extra weight and high installation costs. If your home would benefit from the look of a slate roof, check out this option.
  • Tile Roofing. Tile roofing is commonly used on some home styles, but the initial cost and maintenance are high. Check out the advantages of using metal roofing that’s designed to look like tile roofing. The finish of this material makes it difficult to tell the metal option from the original, and the metal option will last far longer without needing upkeep.
  • Victorian and Diamond Metal Shingles. Classic homes look better when their roofing materials match those originally used. Both Victorian and diamond-shaped shingles were commonly used in past eras. If your home was built in one of those eras, consider one of these options when upgrading the home’s roof.

Whatever your home’s age or style, there’s a metal roofing option that will meet its needs. To get started, request a review of your home by a quality roofing expert to determine how to proceed. Roofing professionals are always ready to help property owners evaluate their roofing requirements and establish a strategy that provides years of dependable protection for your home and family.

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