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Manglik Can Marry Non-Manglik? Things To Do When the Stars Clash

by Henry
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You might have heard of this thing called “Manglik.” It’s a concept in Indian astrology where we look at the position of the planet Mars (we call it Mangal) in your birth chart. Depending on where it is, it can cause problems in your marriage. But don’t worry, manglik and non-manglik both have astrological remedies for relationship problems.

The big question is, Manglik can marry non-manglik? Let’s break it down and find out.

What Is Manglik Dosha?

Before we jump into whether a Manglik and a non-Manglik can get hitched, let’s understand this Manglik Dosha stuff. It’s about where Mars is in your birth chart – like a cosmic map of the sky when you were born. 

According to marriage compatibility astrology, If Mars is in certain places (the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house), it’s said to cause trouble in your marriage.

While traditional beliefs suggest that a Manglik can marry non-Manglik with caution, modern relationships often prioritize love and compatibility over astrological concerns.

If you’re curious about your birth chart and want some real insights, don’t hesitate to reach out to the best astrologer in Ahmedabad. They can help you decode the secrets of your life’s journey in the friendliest way possible.

What Happens If Manglik Marries Non-Manglik?

In India, folks have had their doubts about a Manglik and non-Manglik marriage. It’s like thinking Mars, the fiery planet, might not get along with the other planets in the non-Manglik person’s chart.

So, when it comes to the question of can a Manglik marry to non-Manglik, this whole clash situation might make you worry about more arguments and hassles in your marriage. It hasn’t been easy for Mangliks like you, especially if you live in a society where astrology is heavily used to locate a mate. 

Misunderstanding Occurs Between Couples

Consider the combination of fire and water. When a Manglik marries a non-Manglik with a different planet feel, misunderstandings or issues may arise.

You Have To Put Extra Efforts 

Maintaining harmony in this type of marriage may need a bit more effort. You’ll need additional tolerance and patience to keep the love boat going smoothly.

Stars and Solutions: 

If you or your partner is Manglik, you can consider astrological remedies. Little adjustments like these can help bring things into balance and strengthen a relationship.

But, here’s some good news! If you’re facing these concerns, you can always turn to an experienced astrologer like Pandit Pavan Joshiji. He specializes in resolving Manglik Dosha issues. He’s the go-to expert for guidance and solutions to help you navigate these astrological waters.

You will have accurate results and predictions for your future if you contact him for any relationship problems. His expertise in Kundali matching makes him an esteemed astrologer in Ahmedabad.

Compatibility Between Manglik And Non Manglik

When it comes to Manglik can marry non-Manglik, it’s like figuring out if two puzzle pieces fit together. Some astrological views hold that there may be difficulties owing to the locations of planets at birth, but in the actual world, it all boils down to whether you both get along, share shared interests, and genuinely connect.

So, while the stars can give a hint, what matters is how well you understand and care for each other in your relationship. For relationship problem solutions, it is advisable to consult an expert astrologer for customized remedies. 

Astrological Remedies For Mangliks

  • You can consider wearing a red coral gemstone, known as “Moonga,” to help calm the effects of Manglik Dosha.
  • Chant specific mantras, like the Mangal Mantra to reduce the potential negative impact of Mars on your life.
  • You might want to consider fasting on Tuesdays because it’s considered Mars’ day.
  • Engaging in pujas and rituals dedicated to Lord Hanuman or deities associated with Mars can be a way to seek their blessings.


In the end, whether you’re a Manglik or not, the tale of love prevails. This will remind us that a Manglik can marry a non-Manglik.  Together, they can script a beautiful story of togetherness.

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