
Home Technology How to fix a cursor that randomly moves on its own on Mac?

How to fix a cursor that randomly moves on its own on Mac?

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fix a cursor that randomly moves on its own on Mac

Sometimes when you use your Mac, you might wonder why the cursor ends up moving randomly. It’s crucial to understand what leads to this issue and how you can solve it. You want to know why it’s moving, and here are some potential causes!

What causes your cursor to move on its own?

There are a multitude of different reasons behind your cursor randomly moving. But generally, it’s one of the reasons you can find below:

  • Your battery is swollen, and that leads to random cursor movements
  • A damaged trackpad or physical damage you can find on the mouse might end up leading to this type of issue.
  • Corrupted files can sometimes end up affecting the cursor’s behavior.
  • Your mouse might end up interfering with another mouse’s signal. That can sometimes make the mouse move randomly, even if you’re not touching it.

What can you do when the cursor moves randomly?

Reset pointing devices

As you reset these devices, you will remove any interference.

  • Go to System Settings/Bluetooth
  • Remove all the devices by clicking on the I icon, then press Forget this device. Turn off, then back on, and reconnect your devices.
  • If you have USB devices, unplug them and plug again. If the device has an app, drag it to the trash and restart the Mac once you finish everything.

Restart in Safe Mode

  • You can restart in safe mode simply by holding Shift while you do a normal restart. Upon seeing the login window, release that Shift button.
  • If you have Apple silicon, you have to shut down the Mac, wait for 10 seconds, press and hold the power button and, choose a startup disk, then press Shift to enter Safe mode.

See if your Mac has Malware

Install an anti-malware or cleanup tool and then initiate a scan. After the scan, you can see if the tool has identified any malware. If it did, then you can choose to remove the Malware. The process is swift and convenient, and it will help you eliminate any malware from your Mac. It’s Malware that can make your cursor move randomly, so deleting it will solve the problem.

Stop the Tap to Click option

Sometimes, Tap To Click will set off your cursor to move at random. Go to the Apple Menu/System Settings/Trackpad and then turn off Tap To Click.

Repair any of the disk permissions!

Disk permissions might be faulty at times, which can lead to random cursor movement. You can repair the permissions by installing a repair tool that will solve any minor or more complex issues like this.

Manually clean your trackpad!

Cleaning the trackpad manually is very important because there are times when dirt can accumulate on it. And yes, that dirt will bring in unwanted problems and random movements. A lint-free, damp cloth is ideal for cleaning your trackpad, so try to use it.

Check fo you have more than one mouses connected

Sometimes, the random cursor movements can be caused by another mouse or pointing device that you may have connected to your computer. If it is the case, disconnect all secondary devices, restart your computer and check if the problem is solved.


It’s bizarre to see your cursor moving randomly, but there are ways you can tackle that without any worries. Thankfully, all these tips shown above can help solve the issue. Sometimes it’s a hardware error, but you can tackle this within your Mac’s software most of the time!

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