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Guidelines to face your first technical interview

by fariha ljaz
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Are you going to face any technical interview? Well, it will be a bit challenging for those who never faced such a type of interview before. However, recruiters now set a specially designed interview session for a technical job. It comprises whiteboard challenges, breaking the code and phone screening test.

The main purpose of such a technical interview is to judge one’s analytical ability and solve problems instantly. It is because a tech job is always associated with facing several issues.

Here we will discuss:

  • Different steps included in the technical interview
  • What recruiters expect from an interviewee during the session

Besides, we will also suggest some tips to become successful in the interview.

What is the technical interview?

Unlike simple face-to-face interviews, this type of interview includes a series of exams and personality tests. However, these involve technical gadgets than simple pen-paper mode. The main concept behind this interview is “present knowledge instead of explaining with words.” 

As the job role will fully focus on technical gadgets and services, an interviewee needs to prove that he is suitable for this job. Remember, recruiters will not believe based on your statement but rather on your practical work supporting your statement. However, much propagation is circulated on the concept of technical interview, which may be the cause of confusion. 

If you think that in the name of the technical interview, a recruiter will ask tricky riddles to exhaust the energy or shoot brain-teasing mathematical calculations to confuse, then you are completely wrong.

As you will not get a job in any lending companies to approach bad credit loans to different borrowers rather it is more than that.

What are the stages I need to face during the technical interview?

Recruiters have scheduled your interview, and in the next two days, you are going to face the first round. Perhaps, you think about what the questions that you have to answer during the interview session are. Well, the recruiters designed the interview through various techniques. Here is mentioned some to make you aware of their ways.

  1. First stage: Phone screening will be the first stage. Here, an assessment of your speaking ability and knowledge about a particular topic. By applying this technique, a recruiter who will be talking to you over the phone try to assess your ability and suitability for a company. If he finds you suitable, then he will take the initiative in the next step.
  1. Second stage: At this stage, a recruiter will ask you for different coding and decoding techniques. After getting satisfying answers, now the time comes for the test. In most cases, companies will ask the candidate for a coding test that you should complete within a stipulated time. However, by considering the present situation of social distancing, many entities are taking tests via different online applications.
  1. Third stage: Congratulations on qualifying for the second stage. Now the time comes for facing the third stage. This is the last stage and actual round of technical interview. Here, the recruiters apply sharp techniques to analyse how fast an interviewee can solve the problems.

At this stage, an interviewee needs to represent his knowledge in front of the interview board. They will give different encoded numbers that should be interpreted and again cover those by applying a strong coding formula.

Tips to be followed during technical interview

In large organizations, a technical interview will go on for a long time. For instance, Google conducts a technical interview for long 300 minutes, which comprise several activities.

On the other hand, popular media like Facebook used to judge the capacity of an interviewee throughout a whole day interview plan. Similarly, Uber used to hold an interview session for 24 hours which includes six different techniques.

However, it is not difficult to understand. An interviewee should possess good confidence and patience to become successful. Therefore, here are some tips for succeeding in the long-drawn interview process.

  1. Don’t create a communication gap with the recruiter:

Remember, when the interviewers ask you for back-to-back coding questions, the main reason is to test your patience. To complete coding challenges, if you feel puzzled and create a communication gap with the recruiters, then the chance of failure is enhanced.

Recruiters may give you little time to decode an encoded data. Even if you are unable to complete the entire process, don’t be panicked. Be calm and communicate with the recruiters in the best possible way. It is not at all uncommon that problems remain incomplete due to a short time.

2) Represent as a good team player:

Choosing word matters. From the very initial stage, a recruiter wants to see whether the interviewee possesses the mentality of a good team player or not. Apart from trying to solve problems, one needs to take care of wordings. Instead of using ‘I’ try to pronounce ‘we’.

This will enhance your performance, and recruiters can understand that there is no chance of stealing credit even if being indulged in teamwork. It will also disclose your suitability in the company.

3) Make a plan:

When you are getting the scope of taking your assessment home, and the recruiters are providing ample time to complete it, make a plan first. By applying smart techniques, you can win the final round easily. Before starting the assessment, read out carefully all the instructions and make sure you have good knowledge about the assessment requirements.

After completing the test, please look at the entire test sheet once more and make sure you have done it correctly and checked in every single box. An incomplete test sheet will not provide a good impression to the recruiters.

4) Apply smart techniques to ensure the opportunity:

While most recruiters fail to select interviewees if the coding test is remote, you can win the challenges by applying certain smart techniques. First, try to finish the ‘bonus’ which always given with the basic questions. It is one of the most impressive techniques which ensure your job opportunity.

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