
Home Health & beauty 5 Things to Know Before Opening a New Veterinary Clinic

5 Things to Know Before Opening a New Veterinary Clinic

by Abdus Subhan
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Veterinary Clinic

Did you know that the job outlook for veterinarians is expected to increase by a staggering 19% over the next decade? If you’ve been a veterinarian for a while, this increase in demand might have you thinking of starting a new veterinary clinic.

However, it’s important to remember that opening one of these clinics isn’t just about veterinary skills. It requires a good sense of business if you want to succeed. That’s why we made this guide.

In it, we’ll explore five things that every person should know before opening a new veterinary clinic. That way, your business has the best possible chances of succeeding.

1. Become a Practitioner First

It’s vital to feel comfortable being a veterinarian before you take on the role of owning a clinic. As such, we always recommend starting at a different practice. This can have a lot of benefits.

For starters, it allows you to observe the ins and outs of owning a business. It also lets you decide what you like and what you don’t like about other clinics. This, in turn, can help you create a unique workplace.

2. Know Some Business Basics

Remember that as a veterinary clinic owner, you’ll be wearing two hats. You’ll be a pet care vet, but you’ll also need to be a business owner. Sadly, many owners make the mistake of not investing in any business skill before opening their clinic.

We recommend taking a few business courses before you dive into this challenge. It will really help you down the line.

3. Get Your Financial Plan in Order

Opening an animal hospital is expensive. Not only will you need to rent space, but you’ll also need to invest in equipment and employees.

As such, make sure that you create a comprehensive business plan. This will help you secure more favorable small business loans.

4. Don’t Forget About Back End Support

There are a lot of back-end considerations you need to keep in mind when running a veterinary clinic. This can include things like:

  • Inventory
  • Bookkeeping
  • HR
  • Website design
  • Reporting and planning
  • IT
  • Client communication
  • Real estate

To help deal with all these areas, we recommend getting Vetcelerator support. They help manage the day-to-day tasks associated with the business while you hand the animal patients.

5. Be Prepared for Road Bumps

Being an animal hospital owner is tough. You’re going to encounter challenges and unexpected expenses.

Be prepared for them. Make space in your budget for the unexpected. That way, you aren’t caught off guard when road bumps inevitably appear.

Appreciate Learning About Opening a New Veterinary Clinic? Keep Exploring

We hope this guide helped you learn some helpful tips before opening a new veterinary clinic. The most important piece of advice we can give is to take things slow.

Don’t rush the research phase, and don’t take the dive until you’re ready. This will maximize the chances of your clinic’s success.

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