
Home Technology 5 Standout Features of Portable Bluetooth Speaker To Consider

5 Standout Features of Portable Bluetooth Speaker To Consider

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Portable Bluetooth Speaker

Music is a universal language that brings people closer to each other. It triggers in some people while it triggers creativity in others. It helps some people to focus better while it takes back some people to old memories. In short we are deeply connected with the music. 

Listening to music needs some sound source. From speakers to headphones there are many varieties available in the market. As the market is flooded with various kinds of sound devices, it makes it a bit confusing to pick the right choice that meets our needs best. 

If you have decided to get a portable bluetooth speaker, we are going to share 5 standout features you need to consider. Let’s get started. 

Audio Quality

Audio quality is typically an important element of your portable bluetooth speaker. If you want a pleasurable listening experience, you should go for a portable bluetooth speaker with a perfect sound quality. 

Generally larger speakers have a fuller sound. But you cannot carry these speakers along with you as carrying these speakers becomes irritating after a while. If you want to take your speaker everywhere, you need to balance speaker size and sound quality. 

Battery Life

After sound quality, battery life is the next important element for portable bluetooth speakers. As a bluetooth speaker operates wirelessly, it should have a long battery life. If your portable speaker lacks battery life, you have to deal with frustrating recharging periods. Therefore, you need to consider battery life prospective before purchasing a wireless speaker. 

It is hard to decide what battery length you should be looking at when buying a portable speaker. It depends on how much you will use it in a day. If you are going  to play music regularly on your speaker, try aiming for the highest battery life you can find. For normal usage at home, you can buy a small size portable speaker with 5 to 6 hours of battery life.

Speaker Size

Portable bluetooth speakers are designed to take out anywhere therefore they are generally smaller in size. But still you can find these speakers in various sizes. As the name suggests, a portable speaker should be mobile. You need to check the dimensions and weight in order to get a portable speaker. This way, you will not end up buying a non portable model mistakenly. 

Bluetooth version

Most users ignore this but it is also a mast check factor for portable bluetooth speakers. Just like other technologies, bluetooth has also made progress. Many versions of bluetooth have been released over the years. While buying a portable speaker make sure it has the latest bluetooth 5 technology. Having the latest bluetooth speaker will provide longer connection ranges, faster transfer speed and stronger signals. 

Water and Dust Resistant

It is ideal for a portable bluetooth speaker to be water and dust resistant. Having this feature will save your speaker from water and dust damage when you take it out of the home. So it is important for a portable speaker to have some level of resistance to these hazards. 


The creativity and options are endless with portable bluetooth speakers. Above mentioned are the standout features of the portable bluetooth speakers. While buying any model of portable speakers, make sure it has all these necessary features. 

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