
Home Pets Your Expert Pet Guide

Your Expert Pet Guide

by Syed Qasim
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Last modified on June 1st, 2024 at 6:24 pm

Discover the ultimate guide to making your road trips even more pet-friendly and oh-so-pawesome!

Are you a pet parent who’s also an adventure seeker? Well, we’ve prepared the ultimate travel kit for you. As pet parents ourselves, we resonate with the joy of taking our precious fur babies out on road trips, exciting adventures, and outdoor escapades. There’s something heart-warmingly magical about witnessing our four-legged companions explore new places and embrace the great outdoors. However, having said this, it’s key to remember that pet travel comes with its own set of considerations. If done right, we’re all in for a treat. Here are some of the most tried and tested pet travel tips to make your adventures as memorable as pawssible.

Step 1, begin by planning your pet’s travel adventures in advance

Don’t be in a rush to simply pack your backpacks and hit the road – instead, take your time to plan the road ahead to ensure each step includes the most pet-friendly considerations. Start by researching pet-friendly destinations, accommodations, eateries and pit-stops. We’ve noticed that in recent years, many stunning hotels, campgrounds, and Airbnbs now cater to pets, making it a whole lot easier to find a suitable place to stay.

Step 2, include a safety-first plan of action 

Now, this is the most crucial step so do not miss this one out. Repeat after us so it sinks in. Your safety-first plan should include a minimum of three layers which are a vet check-up, your pet’s documentation and their travel comfort.

  • What’s needed at the vet check-up? 

Simple, schedule a visit, ensure your pet’s updated with his/her vaccinations and discuss any potential concerns that you might have regarding your pet’s health while traveling – whether it is medicines, external medication, feeding or excercises etc.

  • Next, look into your pet’s ID and microchipping: 

Before traveling, always make sure your pet has proper identification, including a collar with an ID tag and a microchip. This will be invaluable in case your pet gets lost during your adventures.

  • Finally, your pet’s travel comfort: 

Invest in a comfortable and secure travel carrier, crate, or seat belt restraint for your pet. Safety is paramount when travelling, so choose the option that suits your pet’s size and temperament best.

Step 3, packing essentials for your fur-baby

Before you’re off for your adventure, make sure you include their travel basics such as their food and water to maintain their regular diet to prevent any digestive issues, treats to keep them relaxed and happy, medications (if any), toys, blankets and their comfort items to help reduce stress for your pet during travel and while in unfamiliar surroundings.

Step 4, for when you’re on the road 

Incorporate frequent breaks and regular pit stops so your pet can get off to stretch, relieve themselves, and get in some fresh air.  These breaks are not only essential, but they also help prevent motion sickness and serve as a great pause to capture the process of the journey, too!

Needless to say, check in to see if your safety restraints are in place. Whether you’re using a crate, carrier, or seat belt restraint, ensure your pet is always secured safely in the vehicle. This minimizes the risk of injury in case of sudden stops or unforeseen accidents.

Make your car, or mode of transport as comfortable and familiar as possible. We’ve seen that what really helps them is if you bring in their favourite blanket or bedding to create a familiar and comfortable environment so they can catch some ZZ’s while you’re driving. 

Step 5, pet-inclusive activities at your destination

Now that you’ve done the travel pet and arrived at your outdoor excursion, it’s time to explore the great adventures outdoors with your fur child. We as veteran pet parents, highly recommend activities such as hiking, visiting dog-friendly beaches, or exploring pet-friendly parks. Just remember to follow local rules and regulations that apply to pets and as a rule of thumb, ensure you clean up after your pet.

Based on several adventures with our fur children, whenever we’ve planned pet travels, they have always been an incredibly rewarding experience. By planning, ensuring safety, and embracing pet-friendly destinations, you too, can make your road trips and adventures not only safe but also enjoyable for both you and your four-legged companion. With the ultimate pet-friendly road trip travel list at your disposal, you’re ready to gear up, pack your bags, and embark on memorable journeys with your precious pets!  We wish you a series of happy journeys and travels ahead!

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