
Home Tips and Techniques What you need to know about the funeral

What you need to know about the funeral

by Ayesha
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According to the current legislation in Singapore, the body of the deceased must be taken to a regular or judicial morgue. Those whose deaths raise doubts that it happened due to natural causes, or if there are signs of wealth in the family of the deceased, are taken to the court morgue.

According to the unofficial version of market participants, this is due to the prices for the services of a court morgue: there the cost allegedly starts from 30 thousand rubles, while in the usual – from 18-22 thousand rubles. Price lists are not officially published, usually, the customer finds out all prices on the spot. The information that is available on the Internet about this can be a conditional guideline since the final cost of morgue services remains the subject of agreements.

It is important that morgues are obliged (and conscientious agents usually warn customers about this) to provide five services free of charge: funeral services storing the body in the refrigerator, washing, dressing, putting in a coffin, and taking the coffin with the body to the farewell hall.

Market participants believe that the use of the hall according to the established regulations should be free since it refers to the premises of a medical institution. Just like hospital wards and a morgue. “But in practice, it turns out differently. Somewhere rent is charged for using the hall, somewhere not, but, in fact, it is included in the cost of other services, ”one of Kommersant’s interlocutors explains. Clothes for vesting the body and the coffin are delivered to the morgue by the relatives of the deceased or by a ritual agent who works with the family.

ABOUT Funeral Services

According to the established practice in Singapore, to resolve issues related to the receipt of funeral services, including paperwork, interaction with the registry office, medical institutions, morgues and air carriers (in the case of exporting the remains abroad).

The relatives of the deceased should contact the funeral home directly at the place finding the body. Russian missions abroad in Singapore do not provide any financial assistance in organizing funeral procedures. The expenses are covered by the relatives of the deceased on their own.

Major organizations providing funeral services in Singapore

There are more than 20,000 licensed funeral homes and crematoria in Singapore, with each city having its own rules and requirements for its activities. To select a funeral home in a specific city, use the website finest services which contain a complete list of these institutions, as well as provides information on the specifics of legislation in the field of funeral services in each city and indicates the average cost of services by state It is possible to use the services of specialized organizations for the international transportation of the remains of the deceased (International Funeral Shipping Provider).

They take care of the organizational aspects of transporting the remains (delivery of the body to the funeral institution; preparation of the body/urn for shipment in a container that meets the requirements of the legislation of the state of destination; execution of documents required by the competent authorities of the Singapore and the host state

List of services provided

Funeral homes in Singapore provide a full range of funeral services: delivering the body to the bureau/crematorium, cremation, embalming, preparing the body for burial, burying the coffin/urn with ashes in a cemetery, conducting a farewell ceremony, transporting the coffin/urn abroad, assistance in obtaining and execution of all necessary documents.

Fresh flowers for the grave. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Fresh flowers on the grave are perceived by the majority as an invariable plus. Indeed, real flowers always look better. From the point of view of numerous religions, this is also a manifestation of respect for the dead on the part of the living. However, not all are so simple.

The main difficulties

It is difficult without experience in this area. You can’t just take and adopt experience from another area, you have to develop everything from the beginning. Also, there is no way to look at and extract useful advice from the experience of other companies, because there are no cases of promoting funeral services on the Internet at all.

In Singapore, there is a negative attitude towards funeral services. Death is the enemy, it is better not to think about it now, the death of a loved one brings grief, so people abstract themselves from this. Moreover, the ritual culture is such that funerals for any person are painful chores, constantly associated with extortion, deception, obsessive sales, and low quality of goods and services.

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