
Home Health & beauty What to Expect After Having an Open Rhinoplasty Procedure

What to Expect After Having an Open Rhinoplasty Procedure

by Syed Qasim
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Whenever someone undergoes any plastic surgery procedure, they have certain expectations of what their post-surgery experience is going to be like. For open rhinoplasty procedure patients, knowing about their open rhinoplasty aftercare is crucial.

Recovery can prove to be distracting if you aren’t properly prepared for the changes that come along with rhinoplasty recovery. Fortunately, this article will point you in the direction of what’s to come after having open rhinoplasty.

All you have to do is read along. So, let’s get you started!

Swelling and Bruising

After having an open rhinoplasty procedure, it’s normal to expect swelling and bruising in the facial area. This is due to the surgical incisions that have been made during the procedure. Swelling and bruising may cause the nose to look slightly larger and wider than normal for the first few weeks following surgery.

Most of the time, the swelling and bruising will gradually go down and the nose will appear more natural-looking within 3 to 4 weeks. During this time, your doctor may recommend you to wear a nasal splint. This helps support the nose during the healing process and reduces swelling.

Discomfort and Pain

Discomfort and pain most commonly include swelling around the nose area and an aching sensation in the forehead and scalp. Patients should anticipate that their sense of smell or taste can be altered altogether during the healing process.

Mild pain can be managed with over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if the pain persists beyond normal levels, patients should contact their Best Rhinoplasty doctor for further assistance.

Nasal Packing and Splints

Nasal packing is usually done in the hospital immediately after the operation. Nasal packing helps protect the surgical area, lessen the swelling, and reduce bleeding. The packing is then often replaced with a splint to help protect the area and support the new shape of the nose.

The splint is usually made of tape, gauze, or acrylic material and is left in place for a week or two. After the packing and splint are removed, the patient should expect to continue to experience swelling and some rebound that could take up to a year for full resolution. However, the patient should also see the gradual improvement that occurred from the surgery.

Restricted Activity

Patients should avoid any strenuous physical activity or exercise. They should also avoid taking blood-thinning medications or agents. You should limit the exposure to water or moisture for at least 10 days post-op. This is because it could increase the risk of infection.

For the first week, the most important factor is to maintain your head in an upright position, this includes avoiding bending over, lifting heavy objects, etc. Additionally, it is recommended to sleep upright in a reclining chair or with the head of the bed elevated by at least 20 to 40 degrees for the first several days.

Know What to Expect After An Open Rhinoplasty Procedure

Overall, the open rhinoplasty procedure is a minimally invasive and safe option to improve the shape and appearance of the nose. Recovery times vary depending on the individual. However, a complete recovery can usually take up to two weeks.

Patients should understand the risks and benefits of the procedure before making the final decision. Those interested in learning more should consult with a board-certified surgeon for a consultation.

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