
Home Health & beauty What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

by Talha Seo
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How is your vision? If you’re like many Americans, you might not have checked it as of late.

Why is vision important? Even if you haven’t noticed any issues with your vision, it’s important to get your eyes checked for general health reasons. Keep reading to learn what diseases can be detected in an eye exam.


Glaucoma is one of the most important conditions that can be detected with an eye exam. It is caused by an increased pressure in the eye that can damage the optic nerve, leading to vision loss.

An eye exam can measure the pressure of the eye, which can reveal the risk of glaucoma. The eye doctor can also conduct a comprehensive dilated eye exam to look for signs of glaucoma, such as:

  • Retinal nerve fiber layer changes
  • Optic disc
  • Visual field

Retinal Diseases

During a routine eye exam, doctors use fundus imaging to view the backside of the eye to look for signs of retinal diseases. This can include:

Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is one of the most common retinal diseases. This condition causes a deterioration of the macula, which is located at the center of the retina. It can cause distorted and blurry vision.

Retinal Tears and Detachments

A tear in the retina is a hole or gap in the layer of tissue at the back of the eye. This can cause blurred vision, floaters, and flashes of light.

A retinal detachment occurs when the retina has pulled away from its normal position in the back of the eye. High-risk factors for retinal tears and detachments include trauma, eye surgery, eye inflammation, and age.

Diabetic Retinopathy

This is a complication caused by diabetes, with high blood sugar levels causing damage to the tiny blood vessels in the eye’s retina.

During the eye exam, the medical professionals will look for signs of swelling in the retina, leaking of fluid from the vessels, bleeding, and the presence of new fragile blood vessels.


Cataracts are a clouding of the eye’s lens that can blur vision.  During an eye exam, optometrists will look for signs of cataracts, such as a clouded pupil, a change in the curvature of the lens, and the presence of discoloration.

If cataracts are suspected, doctors may recommend additional tests to confirm the diagnosis. Ultimately, routine eye exams are important for catching early signs of eye diseases as well as checking for potential health problems in other parts of the body.


Uveitis is caused by an immune system disorder that results in swelling of the interior of the eye. Symptoms of uveitis include redness, eye pain, sensitivity to light, and decreased vision.

If detected early, treatment usually involves the use of topical or oral medication. Regular comprehensive eye exams with an eye doctor are necessary to detect any changes in the eye, and uveitis can be diagnosed through these exams.

To stay ahead of disease and be proactive with eye health, consider scheduling a comprehensive eye exam with your family eye care center.

Know What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam Today

Don’t know what diseases can be detected in an eye exam? This is why it is so important to make an annual visit to your optometrist.

It is not only beneficial to maintain your vision but can also help detect the early signs of significant eye diseases. So don’t delay. Schedule your yearly appointment today to ensure that you remain healthy!

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