
Home Tips and Techniques USDT To INR Guide: Myths And Facts About USDT Coins You Must Be Aware Of

USDT To INR Guide: Myths And Facts About USDT Coins You Must Be Aware Of

by Arman Ali
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Tether (USDT) is a type of cryptocurrency known as a stablecoin, which is designed to maintain a stable value by being pegged to a fiat currency, in this case, the US Dollar (USD). As an investor, it’s important to be aware of certain myths and facts surrounding USDT coins to make informed decisions.

Myth 1: USDT is Not Backed by Sufficient Reserves Fact

One of the most debated topics about Tether is whether it has sufficient reserves to back all the issued USDT coins. Tether claims that each USDT token is backed by one USD held in reserve. However, this claim has been subject to scrutiny and legal investigations. As of August 4, 2023, the total market cap of Tether (USDT) to INR is ₹6,940,581,153,981.95, which indicates the overall value of all circulating USDT tokens. It’s essential for investors to research and assess the transparency of Tether’s reserve mechanisms before using USDT coins.

Myth 2: USDT is Always Priced at $1 Fact

While Tether is designed to be pegged to the value of one US Dollar, its price may fluctuate slightly above or below $1 due to market demand and supply dynamics. As of August 4, 2023, the Tether (USDT) price in India is ₹82.71, which indicates a slight premium over the exact equivalent of $1 USD.

Myth 3: USDT is the Same as USD Fact

While Tether aims to maintain a 1:1 peg with the USD, it is essential to recognize that USDT is a cryptocurrency and operates on blockchain technology, unlike physical US Dollars. Therefore, there are some inherent differences in terms of usage, accessibility, and regulatory aspects between USDT and USD.


As an investor interested in using USDT coins, it’s crucial to be aware of the myths and facts surrounding Tether to make informed decisions. While Tether aims to provide stability by being pegged to the US Dollar, it’s essential to understand the risks associated with stablecoins and conduct thorough research before using them. Keep track of the latest news and developments in the cryptocurrency market to make educated choices regarding your investments.

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