Every retail business depends on its ability to provide products to the community and to make sales. Communities rely on retail businesses to get the products they need as well as providing a source of employment. Unfortunately, theft and other criminal activity could threaten a retail business’s ability to function. This issue makes it vital for retailers to find the right security solutions to meet their needs.
Retail Theft of the Past
Previously, most brick-and-mortar stores generally dealt with individuals who would steal an item or two while visiting the store. Although these small thefts would hurt the profitability of the business, most retailers would add the losses to the costs of their products to help ease the burden.
Many places also implemented a variety of security options to help prevent this type of theft. Security tags on high-priced items, video cameras, and security officers would help reduce the amount of theft seen daily. Unfortunately, as technology advanced to help minimize these types of crimes, the criminals began improving their methods.

Organized Retail Crime
Organized retail crime, or ORC, has become a serious problem for many retail businesses. Instead of just one or two people stealing various items in a store, ORC is an organized operation that allows the theft of a lot of goods at once. These organizations are professional and often involve a team with several members who work together to steal products from various stores.
In some cases, part of the team will provide a distraction for a store’s security team. While the security team members are busy dealing with the distraction, other ORC professionals will work to steal everything they can get their hands on. Since security is busy with the distractors, they often do not notice the theft. Once incident such as this could cost businesses hundreds or thousands of dollars.
Smash-and-Grab Theft
Another major issue that has seen a large spike in occurrences, especially since the COVID-19 restrictions, is smash-and-grab thefts. In these situations, large groups of criminals enter a store at once and begin grabbing any items they can get their hands on and just run out of the store. Sometimes, these incidents are very violent and cause a lot of damage to the store in addition to the theft expenses.
These large groups of criminals are too large for a small security team to handle. Often, these groups get into the store and take what they want with little or no resistance. The theft can be quite damaging to the retailer. In addition, many customers do not want to return to a business where a violent incident has occurred. In some cases, the retailer is forced to close.
Staying Up to Date with Security Advancements
Fortunately, there are solutions to help limit the damage caused by ORC. Utilizing a complete security system that records clear imaging of those who engage in theft is important to prosecute and remove these criminals from the streets. However, it is important that retailers work together and in conjunction with law enforcement to put a stop to this type of crime.
There are many systems and tools available, such as those from Genetec Clearance, that can assist retailers in fighting ORC. With a comprehensive effort, the risk of this crime can be minimized and help to reduce the number of people willing to commit the offense.