Watching their beloved pets get seizures or suffer from other neurological disorders can be frightening for any pet owner. In animals, the central nervous system works the same as in humans. Animals also have a complex network of nerves that send and receive messages within the body. The spinal cord functions as a pathway for the brain to send signals to other body parts. Several things can cause a hindrance in the nervous system that can further lead to neurological ailments. If your pet is experiencing any neurological episodes like fits and seizures, you must rush them to any of the nearest veterinary hospitals Virginia Beach. While some neurological disorders are treatable and manageable through medication, others may require surgery.
This blog will discuss how neurological disorders can affect pets and how to diagnose them.
Neurological Disorder in Pets
Disruption in the animal’s nervous system due to any reason can cause neurological disorders. If the problem is in any part of the brain, the pet may experience seizures. The spinal cord problem often results in partial or complete paralysis, unsteady gait, and improper limb functioning. Similarly, nerve issues can affect any part of the body, like the mouth, legs, face, etc. Disorders associated with the nervous system can affect animals’ bodily functions like balance, eating, urination, defecation, and more.
Signs and Symptoms of Neurological Disorders in Pets
Signs and symptoms of neurological disorders may differ from pet to pet. Symptoms of neurological diseases depend upon the location of the problem as well as its cause. Since animals can’t communicate with us and tell if they feel dizzy or disoriented, physical inspection plays a crucial role in diagnosing the disease.
Seizures, blindness, and limpness are some of the most common signs of neurological disorder. Some pets may experience ataxia or drunken gait, complete or partial paralysis of limbs and face, and muscle stiffness. Some symptoms, like tremors or muscle twitching, are challenging to recognize. Thus, one must pay attention to their pets and observe their physical condition from time to time. Maintaining a note of your pet’s physical condition can help you identify any neurological or other bodily diseases in time. Look for signs of disorientation in your pet, or make a note of their eye movements. Is your pet’s head tilted to one side, or is he walking in circles? Is your pet behaving confused lately? All these could be signs of neurological disorder. If you see any of these signs in your pet, don’t waste time bringing them to any of the nearest Virginia Beach veterinary hospitals.
How do veterinarians diagnose neurological ailments in pets?
Veterinarians perform neurological assessments on pets to diagnose any ailment in their nervous system. Before running any tests on your pet, the vets will ask you about your pet’s medical history. Medical history can offer insight into the pet’s physical and mental condition and make it easier for the vets to identify the disease’s cause.
The next step is a complete physical examination of the pet. The physical examination may include eye inspection, pain assessment, and reflexes.
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