
Home Travel The Pros and Cons of Renting a Yacht in Dubai

The Pros and Cons of Renting a Yacht in Dubai

by Abdus Subhan
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The Pros and Cons of Renting a Yacht in Dubai

Whether you are looking for a unique way to unbox the hidden jewels of the aquatic world or desire to experience the height of thrill and adventure while witnessing the breathtaking views of mesmerizing beaches in Dubai, renting a yacht is the best fit for you. The reason is that it provides safety, comfort, and privacy together without making a hole in your pocket. 

Various companies offer exclusive services for yacht rent in Dubai with all types of boats or yachts at cheap rates. From solo to family boats or mini yachts to luxurious cruises, one can rent any type and size of yacht according to their traveling needs or budget. However, the credit check of the rental platform is crucial to perform to keep scammers away. 

Renting a yacht is an emerging trend not only in Dubai but also in other states that have an adorable collection of beaches and islands. However, most people hesitate to hire a yacht because they think it is an expensive and risky approach that can ruin their trip. Therefore, we are going to describe both the darker and brighter sides of renting a yacht here;


To chase the height of thrill and adventure with a huge collection of water sports, renting a yacht is an ideal deal. It can double the fun and joy of your trip in multiple ways. Some major benefits of renting a yacht in Dubai are listed here; 

  1. Money Saving Approach 

When talking about the most convenient and cheapest means of transport to explore the glam and beauty of beaches or islands, yacht rental services always ranked first. Various yacht rental centers are working at different beaches and shorelines that are providing all types of yachts at cheap rates. Moreover, these services do not include any hidden charges or delivery fees that result in saving a lot of money. 

  1. Easy Access to Top Destinations 

Renting a yacht is one of the most convenient sources to explore the maximum tourist destinations of Dubai’s aquatic world in minimum time. The reason is that by renting a yacht one can easily reach from one island to another without waiting for boats to arrive. Moreover, the yachts can easily reach any corner of an island with comfort and ease. 

  1. Mesmerizing Memories With Your Loved Ones 

 Renting a yacht is a thrilling experience that allows you to explore famous tourist destinations including Dubai Creek, Dubai Marina, The world islands, Bluewater Islands, Burj al Arab, and Palm Jumeirah with your friends, family, and loved ones in complete privacy and comfort.

Yacht rental services also provide visitors with all facilities to organize their events like birthday parties, picnics, or engagements and collect unlimited memories to cherish for a lifetime. 

  1. Opportunity to Enjoy a Luxurious Yacht Ride 

Riding a luxurious yacht over the crystal clear blue waters of Dubai islands is an extremely lavish experience that only millionaires can afford. However, renting yacht services provide you the opportunity to live this dream of chasing water waves while enjoying the luxurious yacht ride experience at cheap rates. 

  1. Delicious Seafood 

 During a yacht trip, you can also treat your taste buds to delicious and traditional sea goods present in yachts, cafes, and restaurants. Though restaurants present on islands cost a bit higher, provide incredibly flavorsome foods and drinks.  


Though renting a yacht in Dubai provides unlimited benefits, it also holds some drawbacks that are crucial to consider before making any plan.  The major cons of hiring yacht rental services are described below; 

  1. Safety Risks 

Yacht trips are a bit risky, especially with family and kids. The reason is that passengers are responsible for taking care of children and luggage. Moreover, it’s also not suitable for patients with weak immunity, heart or respiratory disorders, and disabled persons. 

  1. Expensive 

Another factor that stops people from using this service is the higher charges. Though the renting charges for all types of yachts are quite low, it involves many other money-consuming aspects like additional charges for meal management, team guide, and parking fees that make it an expensive choice. 

  1. Hard To Find a Reliable Team 

An experienced management team with all the crucial tools, training, and skills is crucial to enjoying a yacht trip in Dubai. However, finding a reliable team is quite hard because most yacht rental agencies have freelancing guides with no training and skills. 

Bottom Line 

Renting a yacht in Dubai holds both positive and negative sides, however, the positive points are more appealing and can easily mask the negative ones. Moreover, considering some crucial aspects can also help to cope with the cons of yacht rental services. Therefore, renting a yacht is worth investing in to explore the beauty of Dubai in a more adventurous manner. 

If you are planning to rent a car in Discovery Gardens, you can contact One Click Drive and enjoy excellent services at quite cheap rates.

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