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The Impact of Language: Crafting Persuasive Essays with Rhetorical Devices

Have you ever tried conversing with someone who has opposing views of something you earnestly believe in? Then, you will know how difficult persuasion is. Addressing a receptive audience requires using different rhetorical devices to bring them to your side. 

Rhetorical Devices in English Writing

In persuasive writing, words used for getting audience’s reactions are rhetoric devices. “It’s raining cats and dogs” is a common example of a rhetoric device which means there’s a heavy downpour. Such a device is used to create an effect on the target readers. If you lack knowledge about rhetorical devices, professional help will do you good. is one such platform where you can request professional writing aid. Just connect with the MyAssignmentHelp team and request “I need help with my essay.” You will get the best writers for guidance. 

Rhetorical Devices for Essay Writing is always available for providing essay writing support. Still, you should know the uses of rhetorical devices to strengthen your writing quality. So, let’s discuss the three main pillars of rhetorical strategies.

Logos is using logic or reasoning power to prove a point of argument. The two types of rhetorical appeals used in logos are deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning starts with generalization before it is used for a specific purpose. On the other hand, inductive reasoning is prioritizing tasks or events that improve workers’ productivity and benefit in the long run. 

Ethos is used for convincing listeners of your opinion and appealing to their senses by demonstrating your credibility, good character, and reliability. It’s often a difficult feat to pull off, especially when there’s a little similarity between you and the readers. However, you can gain your audience’s trust with the following tactics: 

Pathos is the rhetorical device used to appeal readers through emotive language. Utilizing pathos in arguments is tricky as you need to present a real human element without sounding robotic in your writing approach. For instance, a story about a man sacrificing time and money to build a business from scratch will likely resonate with start-ups or new business owners. Also, while using pathos, stick to the main subject. Many writers use pathos to distract readers from the main point of arguments. 

List of Oft-used Rhetorical Devices 

Example: They need a beautiful house in a beautiful area.

Example: I shall have my revenge on you, that every living thing shall—I shall do so much that even I have no idea of yet.

Example: “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.”

Example: I am not saying it’s your obligation, but you need to accompany your cousin to school tomorrow.

Example: Why is it vital to prepare for exams early? First, it is essential because it saves you from unnecessary stress at the eleventh hour. 

Example: Rose is always hungry, just like a lion.

Tips for Using Rhetorical Devices in Essays 

To write a compelling persuasion using relevant rhetorical devices, keep in mind the following suggestions: 

Your knowledge of using rhetorical devices for persuasion will develop with practice. Therefore, practice writing using different techniques like ethos, pathos, logos, and literacy devices and develop the confidence to create impactful essays to persuade your readers of your beliefs.

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