
Home Tips and Techniques The Complete Guide on How to Put a Baby to Sleep in 40 Seconds

The Complete Guide on How to Put a Baby to Sleep in 40 Seconds

by Syed Qasim
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Caring for a baby is hard work and requires patience, but you can become a fantastic parent to your newborn. Over 3.6 million babies were born in the United States in 2021, and many sleepless nights came with the decision to have children. The greatest challenge for many new parents is learning how to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds.

The importance of sleep for the newborn and parents can’t be overstated. Raising a child will test your patience and make you dream of what it will be like to finally have a napping baby in your household. Each child is different, but there are several methods to try when you choose to raise your healthy baby into a happy and healthy adult.

The good news is that you’ve found the perfect guide for parenting tips and tricks to help your baby fall asleep. Continue reading for the best ways to learn how to help your baby fall asleep today!

Use the Tissue Trick

New parents likely haven’t heard of the tissue trick to help babies fall asleep, but it’s worth trying if you need a break from sleepless nights when raising a newborn. It’s one of the most successful methods for helping babies fall asleep. Find a clean tissue and gently drag it across your child’s face.

Repeat this process until you notice the child’s eyes beginning to close. It’s a simple and affordable process requiring patience and clean tissues. Give it a try, and watch your restless newborn drift off toward a happy and peaceful sleep.

Use a dry tissue for this sleep trick for the best results. A wet wipe won’t achieve the desired results from these sleep hacks for babies. The wetness of these wipes will result in an uncomfortable baby that is less likely to fall asleep.

White Noise Machine

Another effective method to consider if you’re losing sleep with your restless newborn is a white noise machine. You’ll need to invest some money into this machine, but the peaceful sleep you’ll enjoy is worth the money. Consider shopping for a video baby monitor that doubles as a white noise machine to ensure your child gets plenty of sleep each night.

It’s an option that will help you enjoy magical results. Your baby will be asleep within minutes, allowing you to enjoy other aspects of life, like sleeping, eating, and feeling like a human again.

The theory behind using white noise to help babies fall asleep is that it sounds similar to the noise of being in the mother’s womb. The baby will find the white noise soothing and have an easier time transitioning from a restless baby to a napping baby. It’s an essential investment for your healthy baby.

You can also create white noise for your baby using household appliances. It’s an excellent option if you can’t fit a white noise machine into your budget after having a newborn. Washing machines and hair dryers are both appliances that parents have found success with when helping a baby fall asleep.

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Place your newborn’s rib in a room next to the laundry machine. The consistent white noise produced by the washer will gradually help your baby fall asleep. The hair dryer works similarly, but it is vital to ensure it isn’t blowing hot air in the baby’s direction.

Running Water

Running water has a similar effect on babies to white noise machines. The sound of rain and running water is one of the most foolproof ways to help your baby fall asleep. Running water from the faucet is effective, but it should be used as a last resort to help your baby fall asleep.

Water shortages and rising utility bills could cause you to lose sleep for financial reasons, in addition to caring for a baby. It’s also wise to avoid depending on rain to help your baby fall asleep.

Consider using soundscapes and recordings of water to help your newborn relax and drift off toward a peaceful sleep. Recordings of streams, rainfall, waterfalls, and running tap water are worth trying to help your baby fall asleep. Play the recording for a few minutes, and you’ll be shocked at how quickly your baby falls asleep.

Swing and Swaddle

If the recordings of running water fail to work, the swing and swaddle method is an effective way to help your baby fall asleep. It’s one of the first parenting tips you’ll learn when caring for a baby. The combination of motion and sound lull your baby into a peaceful trance.

Your baby will feel secure and comfortable when closing their eyes. It’s a simple trick that you should try when your baby isn’t getting enough sleep and is beginning to get fussy with you.

Start by wrapping your baby in a soft blanket and holding them near your chest. The soft material and warmth will add to the feeling of security for your child. Gently swing your child back and forth while whispering at them.

Use this method for a few minutes to help your baby fall fast asleep. Walk them quietly to the crib and place them in it without waking them.

Ensure you place them on their back in the crib without the blanket for the best results. The experts at Silver Cross will help you get your child to fall asleep within seconds with this method.

Use Touch

The touch of a loving parent is a fantastic way to help your sleepless newborn. Use this method when your baby refuses to fall asleep in the middle of the night. It’s the best way to help them fall asleep after they wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep.

Start by gently stroking their cheeks and palms to put them in a relaxed state or trance. Try this when getting your child ready for bed at night. You can use the method again when they wake up to help them relax and fall asleep within minutes.

Add to this strategy by giving your newborn a warm bath before getting them ready for bed. Aim for 100 degrees Fahrenheit for the best results when raising a healthy baby. Gently massage your child after you remove them from the bathtub to help them relax and feel soothed.

Place your child in a soft, warm blanket after the massage. Place the blanket on the radiator or use it in the dryer to warm it up and create the perfect environment for your baby to nap. It’s also the ideal time to breastfeed or give your newborn formula while gently patting them on the back.

Use a heartbeat motion when rubbing your baby’s back to promote comfort and security for your child. They’ll feel secure as they drift toward a peaceful slumber in your arms.

You can also place your baby flat on your stomach to help them fall asleep. The motion of your breathing and heartbeat will give your child a sense of familiarity. They’ll feel like they’re in the mother’s womb again.


Chanting seems outside the box when stressing the importance of sleep and seeking ways to help your newborn drift off toward dreamland. Babies love hearing their parents’ voices, and your chanting could become the soundtrack to your baby’s sleep environment.

Chanting is the best way to comfort your baby when it’s time to sleep. Make “oooooom” chanting sounds to your child to create a peaceful environment where they feel safe to relax and fall asleep. You can also try singing and humming your favorite tunes to help your baby relax before bedtime.

You can use the chanting method while your baby is lying in the crib before bed or while holding the child and gently swaying them in your arms. It’s a simple option anyone can learn when caring for a baby. Consider this method when learning how to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds.

Calming Lotions

Your baby’s skin is sensitive, so it’s best to do your research and diligence before applying any lotions to your baby’s skin. The best calming lotions are a terrific way to help your baby fall asleep after a long day. Consider using safe, calming lotions for your child’s skin after a warm bath at nighttime.

Calming lotions that use lavender are the perfect resource to help your child fall asleep quickly. Use a lavender lotion before bedtime, naps, and when your baby is fussy about sleep. When raising and caring for a baby, you’ll enjoy better sleep for yourself and your partner.

Buy Blackout Curtains

Blackout curtains are a fantastic investment to help your baby nap or fall asleep. You might not need them for the first few months of raising a child, but they’re worth the money later on if you value your time, sleep, and health.

A dark room free from stimulants is the perfect environment to help your baby fall asleep. Your investment in blackout curtains ensures a dark and stable environment. Place your baby’s crib in the room with blackout curtains for a more straightforward bedtime process.

Muffled Door Clicks

Muffled door clicks won’t put your baby to sleep at night, but it will save you the hassle of waking your child and attempting to help them fall back asleep. A thick rubber band will do the trick and help your little one continue sleeping so you can focus on your life instead of running through the options of how to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds.

Wrap the rubber band around both doorknobs to ensure it covers the door’s latch. You’ll produce far less noise when moving around in the home while your baby is napping. You won’t need to feel like you’re walking on eggshells in your home when your baby falls asleep.

Use Movement

Movement is an excellent option to use when helping your newborn fall asleep. Several options are worth considering to provide the movement to make your child feel secure and safe to fall asleep.

Some babies refuse to sleep unless they have movement similar to what they’ve experienced in the womb. Use a birthing ball to bounce your child and provide a comfortable motion that feels familiar to your child. A glider is another investment worth the money to help your baby enjoy the importance and benefits of sleep.

If your baby requires constant motion to stay asleep after drifting off, you can try a few options. Rocking chairs, swings, and bassinets are all effective ways to provide your child with a consistent motion for quality sleep. Research your options to find the perfect fit for your baby’s sleeping habits.

Go Outside

Spending time outside while holding your baby is a method that doesn’t sound effective, but you’ll be shocked by the results as a first-time parent. Babies who get sun exposure and time outdoors during the afternoon sleep much better at night than babies who spend more time inside.

Sun exposure during daylight also boosts your baby’s Circadian Rhythm. Getting in sync with the hours of each day makes falling asleep much more manageable. Your newborn will be tired and ready to hit the hay when bedtime arrives.

Try exposing your baby to natural light during the morning hours. Keep the blinds open during the day unless your child attempts to nap or fall asleep.

Spend more time outside to improve the quality of sleep for your infant. Most importantly, minimize blue light exposure to help your child receive less stimulation.

Now You Know How to Put a Baby to Sleep in 40 Seconds

Learning how to put a baby to sleep in 40 seconds is daunting to most first-time parents, but there are several methods you can use when caring for a baby. White noise is one of the most effective methods since it simulates the sounds heard in the mother’s womb. You can also use motion and chanting to create a relaxed and secure environment for your child.

Becoming a parent is a massive step in life; the best parenting tips make all the difference. Explore more of our Family and Health blog articles for the best guidance for new parents today!

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