Unique Tips For Students At University to Deal With Stress And Pressure Impeccably
As per the recently published Natwest Student Living Index, 64% of university students rate the stress of studying for their university degree as seven or above out of ten. Other studies also estimated that up to 82% of UK university students suffer from stress and anxiety, and the number of students dropping out of university due to mental health problems is constantly increasing.
The National Union of Students also reports that the top three sources of stress among students are coursework deadlines, exam pressure, and balancing study with other commitments.

In the present times, Essay help students of university face immense stress and pressure that could affect their academic performance negatively. This may include the pressure to perform academically well while balancing work and personal lives. Couple it up with the anxiety of student debt and getting the dream job after graduation, and it forms the simple recipe for a nervous breakdown. Many of them start crumbling under this humongous pressure.
Today’s comprehensive post is for all those students who are constantly combating severe mental health problems, like depression, anxiety, and low-self confidence. We have enlisted certain remarkable tips and techniques that help every stressed-out student cope with the issue they face and have the time of their life at university.
8 Vital Tips To Deal With University Stress And Pressure
- Determine The Source Of Your Stress
Do you know studies project that 1 in every 5 previously stress-free UK university students are diagnosed clinically anxious by mid-course? Again, six out of ten college students experience ‘overwhelming anxiety’ while over 40% were saddled with crippling depression.
Thus, it is crucial to determine and take steps to resolve your primary sources of stress and pressure. Whether it’s money concerns, exam pressure, or even relationship issues, the NHS notes that students should observe whether they can change their circumstances to ease the pressure they are under. Like, if you need assistance with your studies, consider asking a peer or a friend to tutor you.

Accept That You Can Never Be A Lone Ranger
Not only you, but no man or woman is an island. Hence, do not try to bottle things up. Before things start getting overwhelming, make it a habit to talk to your family and friends to discuss the hindrances you are coming across. Their opinions will offer you a fresh perspective on countless things while offloading your issues can immediately reduce your stress and make you feel better.
You can also contact your university student well-being center to seek unmatched guidance. They can offer general assistance or guide students in the right direction to acquire specific support for their problems.
- Set Solid Goals
It is always wise to get the hang of your priorities, social life, and work. Undeniably, this is easier said than done, but you need to start somewhere. Further, every student faces procrastination that encroaches their productivity. A vicious cycle arises from procrastination which ultimately leads to more stress. Below we have enlisted certain techniques to curb the stress fever and set your priorities back in order-
- Allocate yourself set times when you aim to work hard
- Find a personal system for managing your time
- Evaluate which of your priorities is the most important to you in your life at the time.
- Do not be too hard on yourself. It is a process, and you should move forward one step at a time
- Create a mind map. Draw up short-term as well as long-term goals. Jotting down your thoughts will help you hugely in figuring out your thoughts and concentrate remarkably.
Plan Your Studies Well
We have all been there. One minute, you have just returned to your university after the Spring break. The next you know, you have a challenging university assignment help task on an overly complicated topic left to submit, and you sit down contemplating where all the time went.
The key to a prosperous academic career is to plan, plan, and plan. Plan your time well by keeping a calendar or planner always by your side to jot down all your important deadlines. Start early, and you will find it helps heaps with those arduous last weeks of the year.
- Feed Your Brain Properly
When faced with emotional stress or crunch time, our human eyes start automatically leaning towards that chewy caramel bar or anything unhealthy. Binge eating is a habit that many turn to for comfort during the stressful phase. Cravings tend to spike energy levels that create high energy levels for a short time span and then drop automatically. Once the levels start dropping, productivity also decreases, and you don’t feel inspired to get started on any tasks.
To refrain from such cravings successfully, begin by slowly eliminating your go-to treats that fulfill your cravings. Your body requires long-term energy for those exhausting nights of studying. Eating a healthy diet like veggies, nuts, or a wholesome meal will offer your body the nutrients it requires and focus physically. Make it a point to eat wisely and drink lots of water.
- Exercise Daily For 30 Minutes
According to the Stress In America survey report, about 37% of adults report exercising less than once a week or not at all. Only 17% of adult reports exercise daily. 53% claims they feel good about themselves after exercising, 35% say it put them in a good mood, and 30% claims they feel less stressed after exercising.
Numerous researches claim that sport is an immediate stress-reliever. Even if you find a way to sweat for at least half an hour a day, it will help you relax. Physical activity helps in generating the feel-good neurotransmitters in the brain, which signifies natural endorphins are released. So, be creative and try new intriguing ways to exercise. Finding something that you love will help you improve your mood and increase your self-confidence potentially.
- Be Mindful
Start paying more attention to yourself and the world around you by being ‘in the moment’. It will help you reduce your stress significantly and help in noticing the signs of stress early. A research has shown that mindfulness training can diminish the levels of distress in university students during exams.
Mindful breathing exercises can also help hugely with relaxation and reducing negative thoughts. Though not for everyone, activities like yoga can also help with being mindful and more aware of breathing.
- Get Around 8 Hours Of Deep Sleep
Sleep plays an integral role in the immune system, the process of regenerating our cells, memory, learning, and the entire human body. While your rest cells regenerate, your body starts rejuvenating itself. So, no matter how stressed you are about your pending papers, it’s not worth losing your precious sleep over. Listen to music, raindrop sound effects, or anything that creates a calming effect and makes you sleepy. To ease your stress or enhance productivity, make sleep a priority and provide your body with the break it deserves.
Final Note,
Yes, university life can be undeniably scary and an overwhelming time in the life of an individual, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences. The immense stress that university students feel can usually impact their academic achievements as well as their personal life.
If you have the above-listed strategies in place, they can successfully improve your academic performance, keep you happy, and significantly reduce health problems. Here’s wishing all the luck!