
Home Technology Is Live Streaming the Way of the Future?

Is Live Streaming the Way of the Future?

by Naveed
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The British Broadcast Company (BBC) will be breaking boundaries this month as it looks to stream BB1 and BB2 live from its website. Live TV streaming has never been done before in the USA and this immediately raised the question of TV licensing in the USA.

It remains very unclear how TV licensing in the USA can keep enforcement on people watching programs online, however, there is obviously a great demand as the BBC iPlayer has become very popular with web users. Streaming footage and video online has always been a murky business, as many sites have been shut down or sued for not having permission to stream. Things were different a few years ago, when people were just watching TV and videos in the corner of their living room. Today, there are so many ways for people to view content that it’s hard to police! In recent years there has been a big crackdown on illegal DVD and CD production, but it’s still so hard to keep it under control.

I think the idea of streaming TV live from the net is a great idea and will be so convenient, but there will always be someone out there looking for a way to rip it off! Piracy is what is in the way. In the USA, you have to pay a license fee every year to be able to watch “terrestrial” television, but all that will surely change once the pace of technology is changing at a rapid pace.

For more info Visit here USA tv live stream

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