Instagram is the story of success. From a platform for sharing predominantly photo content, it grew into a tremendously influential marketplace, as the number of active users is 2.9 mln, and it keeps growing. Such an audience opens new horizons and perspectives for any kind of business or blogging, provided there is a clearly outlined strategy. However, the competition is rather tough, thus, getting from the beginning to the top is hard work and great perseverance.
As long as photography is still the main way to convey the message to the followers, it’s crucial to post Instagram-worthy photos, to make them stand out from the crowd and maintain a proper level of interest from the followers.
Quality and Style
Quality is the first characteristic that defines the look of your profile. It is not the quantity that leads you to success, but the top-notch content. The perfection of the photo is based on two major cornerstones: camera settings and photo editing software, like VistaCreate or Adobe software family.
The keys to good photos are:
- Natural light
A flash is a helpful tool, however, natural light is much more beneficial, as it creates vividness and brightness of the color. Even when being indoors, go for the ambient lighting, as the usage of flash can flatten the image.
- Proper exposure
Light is a game-changer in photography, however, only when it’s balanced. Depending on the amount of light, there are over- and underexposed photos. Overexposed ones are worse than the darker images, as there are no chances to rescue the colors even with editing software. Underexposed photos, however, are easier to fix with the usage of editing tools.
- Mind the composition
- “Rule of thirds”
Every image is made up of various shapes, colors, and textures. Their arrangement makes up the whole composition. The rule of thirds is a simple way to balance the image and focus the eyes on the subject. It divides the image into a 3×3 grid, aligning the elements along the grid lines.

- “Balanced asymmetry”
The subject is off-the-center, yet it is balanced by another object.

The asymmetrical balance is achieved when one main subject (stones in the foreground) is balanced out by another, less important subject (mountains in the background).
The composition should be simple for perception, don’t overload it with too many details, as it will distract the viewer’s attention from your message.
- Change the viewpoint
We typically take photos in front of our eye line. However, choose a different perspective, and add some unexpected views of the regular things – from below or from above, couch down or climb a higher point, a different angle. Such images help us see the everyday ordinaries in a new light, helping to find solutions to the problems.
- Add depth to the photo
The ‘leading lines’ that take us through the photo, add depth to the image – roads, paths, waves, trees, etc. They can direct our eyes to the main message of the photo, the ‘heart’ of the image.

- Filters
Various filters help to add a desirable effect to the photo. However, give a chance to a natural beauty, the one you see in front of your eyes. Simplicity nowadays is highly-appreciated, as people’s eyes get tired of constant complexity.
Photo Editing
Photo editing is the next stage of photo processing. It helps straighten the photo choose the proper size, the one that fits the specific social network, add vibrancy to colors, etc.
What else is a “must” to consider?
- Hashtags
Hashtags increase the engagement of the public and attract users to a particular niche. The biggest mistake regarding such linking is the number. Don’t use more than four-six hashtags per photo, as spamming will lead to bot spamming as well. Write under the photo, in one – two lines, so that everything is clearly visible and doesn’t create chaos.
The style of the hashtags matters as well, as being super simple is definitely a bad choice. That’s not your niche-specific idea.
- Frequency
Don’t post more than three photos a day, instead of interest it will only develop annoyance. Three is just enough to keep your followers engaged but not be too intrusive. Besides, if you are willing to reshare the same photo as your friend, don’t do it simultaneously. Provided that you have the same followers, the repetitiveness will not play on your side.
- Consistency
Create your unique style, define the sphere of your influence, and stick to them. If your followers chose you because they like the way you present the new books and give their reviews, keep at it, don’t post the breakfast or crazy selfies every other day.
Obviously, posting something out-of-the-style is quite beneficial as it’s worth loosening the rules a bit. However, not more than once a week because you will lose the connectivity between the posts and followers, who expect to see another book review.
- Communication
Communication makes up the biggest link between you and your followers. They want to see that you are interested in their thoughts and opinions. It is crucial to be respectful, and not to go to extremes: don’t be too sweet because you want people to like you, or overwhelmingly cool, trying to be bold and cheeky. Just be yourself, it counts the most.
Instagram photos are the reflection of your inner world, a vision of life, or a brand. Posting photos for the sake of photos is a losing strategy. Don’t try to repeat someone, fakeness will always lose. Be sincere with your messages, yet keep within the boundaries. Create your style, develop it, and look for perfection in self-expression.