
Home Health & beauty From Start to Finish: The Process of Getting Implant Crowns

From Start to Finish: The Process of Getting Implant Crowns

by Talha Seo
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Emergency Dental Care

Have you ever wondered how implant crowns can transform your smile? This technique is a fantastic journey towards getting a flawless, natural-looking smile, despite its scary appearance.

Step by step, our guidance demystifies and streamlines the whole process. You’ll comprehend the operation of implant crowns and how they might enhance your confidence and oral wellness.

If you follow our advice, you should have no trouble getting a smile you can be happy with!

Initial Dental Consultation

The initial consultation is your first step towards your new smile. This is the meeting when you and your dentist talk about your oral health and cosmetic objectives. Inquiries, examinations of your teeth, and maybe X-rays will all be performed by your dentist.

You get the opportunity to learn about the benefits of implant crowns at this seminar. Your dentist will go over the steps, estimate the time needed, and go over the associated expenses. Naturally, they will also respond to any inquiries you may have. So please don’t hesitate to ask!

X-rays and Impressions

After your initial consultation, the next step is getting x-rays and impressions of your teeth. Your dentist will use these to learn more about your mouth and plan for your new implant crown. It’s a really easy and painless procedure.

A 3D mouth model is produced by the imprints, whilst an image of your teeth is obtained by the X-rays. This model helps the dentist to plan where to place the implant and how to shape the crown. It’s all part of ensuring your new tooth fits perfectly and looks natural.

Treatment Planning

The treatment planning stage is like drawing a map for your smile journey. Your dentist uses all the information gathered to create a custom plan for your teeth. This plan outlines how and when the dentist will place your implant and crown.

Being involved in treatment planning can make it less scary. You’ll know what’s happening at every appointment, so there won’t be surprises. Plus, you can make sure your dentist knows about any worries or concerns you have. You’re a key part of the team in making your new smile!

Bone Grafting (If Needed)

Sometimes, your dentist might need to do bone grafting before you can get your implant crown. This is a special procedure to strengthen your jawbone. It’s needed when your jawbone isn’t strong or thick enough to hold the implant securely.

During bone grafting, the dentist puts a small piece of bone into your jawbone. Over time, this extra bone fuses with your jawbone, making it stronger and ready for your implant. Don’t worry; your dentist will ensure you’re comfortable and pain-free during the procedure.

Implant Placement

The implant placement comes next; it’s the big step in your smile journey. The dentist puts the implant, which acts like a tooth root, into your jawbone. This procedure is precisely planned and performed so that the implant will be in the perfect position for your new crown.

But don’t worry, getting the implant surgery placed doesn’t hurt. Your dentist will make sure you’re comfortable by using numbing medicines. It might take some time to heal, but your implant will be as strong and stable as a natural tooth root once it does.

Healing Period (Osseointegration)

After implant placement, your body needs time to heal and for the implant to become a part of your jaw. This process, known as osseointegration, is where the jaw bone grows around the implant, making it strong and secure. Like a natural tooth root, the implant becomes a firm base for your new crown.

During this period, following your dentist’s instructions is important to help the healing process and the osseointegration. You might have to eat soft foods and manage with a temporary crown. But don’t worry; this healing period is a key part of your journey to a radiant smile.

Abutment Placement

The next step in your smile journey is the placement of the abutment. This is a small but crucial component that serves as the connecting piece between the implant in your jaw and your new crown. It’s like the foundation for your new tooth, ensuring it fits securely and comfortably.

Like the previous steps, your dentist carefully plans and executes abutment placement. You’ll be given local anesthesia to keep you pain-free. After the abutment is positioned, there may be a short healing period before the final crown can be attached. Your dentist will guide you through this process, ensuring you are comfortable and informed.

Impressions for Crown

After the abutment is positioned, you should be ready for your new crown. In this step, new impressions are taken, but they are intended only for your crown’s design. The dentist ensures the crown fits just right and looks like a natural part of your smile.

The dentist will use a special material to take an impression of the abutment and the surrounding teeth. This mold is then sent to a dental lab where your crown is custom-made to fit comfortably in your mouth. This step ensures your new tooth will be the right shape, size, and color.

Shade Matching

Shade matching is vital in your smile journey, ensuring your new implant crown blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. During this process, your dentist compares the color of your existing teeth to a shade guide, a tool with different teeth colors. The goal is to find a match as close to your natural tooth color.

The shade chosen is then passed along to the dental lab where your crown is being created. This ensures that when your crown is inserted, it will fit perfectly and match the color of your surrounding teeth. Ultimately, you’ll have a natural-looking, beautiful smile that you’ll love to show off.

Temporary Crown (if needed)

Sometimes, while waiting for your permanent crown, your dentist may provide a temporary crown. This is a provisional crown that helps protect the implant and the abutment, ensuring everything stays in place during the healing period. You also have the advantage of having a whole grin, so you don’t have to be concerned about dental gaps.

When your permanent crown is ready, your dentist may quickly replace the temporary crown since it is designed to be readily removed. It’s crucial to keep in mind that temporary crowns are weaker than permanent crowns, even though they are designed to appear and feel like natural teeth.

So, you should avoid hard or sticky foods to prevent the temporary crown from breaking or dislodging. Additionally, if you have preferences for the dental laboratory crafting your permanent crown, you can choose the right dental lab here to ensure the final restoration meets your expectations.

Crown Fabrication

At this stage in your smile journey, your custom crown is being fabricated at the dental lab. This process involves skilled technicians who use the impressions and shade guide from your dentist to create a crown that fits perfectly and matches the color of your existing teeth. This process ensures your new crown looks and feels like a natural tooth.

The crown fabrication process may take a few weeks, but rest assured that this time is well-invested in ensuring the quality and precision of your new tooth. Once the crown is ready, your dentist will schedule a fitting appointment. The anticipation may be high, but you’re just one step away from achieving that perfect smile!

Crown Placement

The culmination of your smile journey is fitting your new, custom-made crown. This is an exciting day as it signifies completing your dental implant process. Your dentist will first inspect the crown, ensuring it matches the color of your surrounding teeth and fits perfectly onto your abutment.

The dentist then attaches the crown to the abutment, completing your dental implant. This process is painless and quick, but it dramatically changes your smile for the better. With your new implant crown, you can chew, speak, and smile with newfound confidence.


After the crown is fitted, there might be some minor adjustments needed. This is completely normal and part of the process to ensure the final result is comfortable and functional. Your dentist will check your bite and the fit of the crown, making any necessary tweaks for the best possible outcome.

In addition to physical changes, your new tooth may take some time to feel. After a few days, you should feel better. Please see your dentist if anything seems wrong or if discomfort persists. They’re there to help make your new smile perfect for you.

Crown Cementation

The cementation of your crown involves attaching the crown permanently to the abutment using a special dental cement. The cement firmly secures the crown, ensuring it stays in place when you eat, talk, or smile.

Though it sounds complex, the cementation process is simple and painless. Your dentist will carefully apply the cement, place your crown onto the abutment, and then wait for the cement to harden. Once this is done, your new implant crown is fully set and ready for you to enjoy your brand-new smile!

Bite Check

The “Bite Check” is an essential step after your new crown is cemented. This is when your dentist ensures your new tooth aligns properly with your other teeth when you bite down. Achieving a comfortable and proper bite is crucial for eating and speaking normally.

During this check, your dentist will have you bite down on a thin piece of paper coated with a special colored ink. When you bite down, the ink marks any spots where your teeth come together more tightly, showing if adjustments need to be made. The dentist will then carefully reshape your crown until your bite is perfect.

Post-Placement Instructions

After placing your implant crown, your dentist will give you critical instructions. These steps can help you maintain your new tooth. It’s crucial to follow these instructions closely to maintain your oral health and keep your new smile shining bright.

The post-placement instructions might include information on cleaning your implant crown, foods to avoid, and signs of potential issues to watch for.  Your dentist will be available to answer any questions and guide you through this new part of your oral care routine.

Regular Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups play a crucial role in ensuring the longevity of your implant crown. These visits allow your dentist to monitor the health of your implant, the surrounding teeth, and your overall oral health. Furthermore, regular professional cleaning helps maintain your new crown’s aesthetics and functionality.

Additionally, dental check-ups provide an opportunity to address any potential issues early. Whether it’s minor discomfort or adjustments to the crown, your dentist can handle it promptly. Remember, consistent care and monitoring are key to enjoying your new smile for years.

Long-Term Care

Long-term care for your dental implant involves a regular and consistent oral hygiene routine. Brushing twice a day, using interdental brushes or floss to clean between the teeth and around the implant, and regular use of mouthwash can help keep your implant and surrounding teeth clean. It’s also critical to abstain from bad habits like smoking, which may have a detrimental effect on the implant’s longevity and your general dental health.

A crucial component of long-term care is regular dental examinations, which let your dentist keep an eye on the condition of your implant and your general oral health. The dentist might recommend any essential modifications or therapies during these examinations to guarantee the implant stays healthy and effective. With a solid long-term care strategy, your dental implant can last many years, providing you with a confident and beautiful smile.

Elevate Your Grin With Implant Crowns

Implant crowns are a wonderful way to enhance confidence and express joy through a radiant smile. Life’s too short not to share your best grin with the world!

Embrace the journey, trust in the expertise of your dental team, and look forward to marvelous results. Keep in mind that when you have implants, you are investing in yourself as well as a gorgeously repaired smile.

We hope reading this post was enjoyable for you. If this was useful to you, please visit our blog for additional educational materials.

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