
Home Health & beauty How to improve skin condition

How to improve skin condition

by Abdus Subhan
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Women are beautiful at any age. However, both at the age of 20 and at the age of 60, the reflection in the mirror may not be liked because of a tired look, wrinkles, and various cosmetic flaws. Over time, it becomes more difficult for the body to resist environmental stimuli. After all, more collagen and elastin are produced at a young age. With age, their lack can be compensated by cosmetic care.

In order to have a fresh look at any age, it is important to use skincare products, and follow simple rules: understand what affects the condition of the skin and take care of it from a young age.

What factors affect the condition of the skin

Age is the main, but most generalized, factor that determines the quality of the epidermis. The older a person is, the more noticeable the traces of fatigue, sleepless nights, and stress. Wrinkles and pigment spots are 2 more bright manifestations of chronic aging.

However, there are times when mature skin looks fresher than young skin. Since, in addition to age, the condition of the skin is affected by a number of other factors:

  1. Genetics. Sometimes nature “endows” the skin with such problems as acne, eczema, and allergies. Such dermis ages faster and requires special, gentle care. Sometimes the skin differs from the generally accepted standards of beauty, due to a large number of moles, birthmarks, and vitiligo. In such cases, it is extremely important to accept your peculiarity, don’t forget about professional care, and regularly visit a dermatologist.
  2. Food. The popularity of proper nutrition is due not only to a direct relationship to weight loss but also due to its effect on well-being. A competently distributed balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Conversely, if these important elements are lacking, it can lead to dryness, peeling, and other discomforts of the epidermis.
  3. Bad Habits. Even at a young age, smoking cigarettes narrows capillaries, which negatively affects blood circulation, and complicates the process of nourishing the skin. Also, smoking provokes the oxidation process, which damages collagen and leads to the appearance of wrinkles and skin laxity. As for alcohol, its excessive use dehydrates the body, makes the skin dry, and causes inflammation.
  4. Tanning. The sun is not only a source of vitamin D, but also of ultraviolet light, which can cause burns, skin photoaging, irritation, hyperpigmentation, and collagen destruction.
  5. Environmental factors. These include natural and artificial factors. Among natural factors, seasonal temperature changes (too high or low), frost, wind, heat, and a high level of solar insolation have the most negative effect on the dermis. Atmospheric pollution and the general state of the ecology of the region of residence are artificial.

Cosmetology care also of great importance, in particular, products that used from a young age. In the student years, when young people buy their first care products, preference given to more budget-friendly products. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study the composition and choose safe means. If possible, of course, daily home care should be selected by a cosmetologist who will choose the best professional care or cosmeceuticals for you.

Tips from cosmetologists that will help improve the condition of the skin

Any cosmetologist, regardless of what problems and with the help of which procedures he solves them, will recommend a comprehensive effect on the skin – from the inside and outside. You can take care of it from the inside with the help of proper nutrition, and normalization of the psycho-emotional state. External influence includes care and treatment procedures, and daily beauty routines.

Cosmetics for skin improvement

When choosing home cosmetics, it is better to give preference to those brands that produce products for salon procedures. Usually, such companies have their own laboratories, conduct research, and know what needed to improve the condition of the dermis. In addition, their products have a clear focus and solve specific problems. Therefore, when choosing such cosmetics, you need to know your skin type and its actual needs.

Means for cleaning

First of all, you need to properly remove makeup, and wash off the remains of everything that your skin encountered during the day. If you do not have a cleaning system at home, running water often dries and damages the skin.


Our catalog contains more than 100 items. A distinctive feature of the serum is its high concentration of active components. Precisely because of the concentration, it is better to choose a serum together with a cosmetologist. This will allow for building a care system correctly and safely.


How many creams needed by the dermis – so many creams can offered by cosmetics manufacturers. We will focus on moisturizing the skin, the most sought-after property of the vast majority of cosmetic products.

Add the right habits to quality professional cosmetics and nutraceuticals, and you can significantly improve skin health. Drink enough fluids, try to adjust your sleep pattern, do not forget about protection from the sun, and eat right, varied, and tasty.

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