
Home Business How Do Online Businesses Secure Repeat Customers?

How Do Online Businesses Secure Repeat Customers?

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Online Businesses Secure

The online sector of business has experienced significant and ongoing growth in the last decade. E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing sectors of modern business, thanks to the convenience of making purchases online. Billions of people now own smartphones with internet access, which enables them to shop online at a time and place that suits them. Millions of different products can now be bought from online stores, and there is little need to make a trip to a physical store, especially when many online firms are offering rapid or even same-day delivery options to their customers. 

However, as the online marketplace gets increasingly crowded and competitive, there is a need for all online firms to take steps to secure repeat customers so that they continue to enjoy healthy revenues and profits. In this article, some of the key ways in which online businesses look to secure repeat customers will be discussed. 

In the online gaming sector

The online gaming sector, specifically the online casino industry, looks to secure repeat visits from its customer base. With thousands of online casinos available, they must provide attractive incentives for returning gamers. For example, at customers are rewarded for making repeated deposits with a points-based loyalty scheme. For every $10 used in gaming, a point is earned. These can then be used to pay for free spins on slot machines, cash prizes, and other attractive bonuses. Such loyalty schemes make gamblers more likely to stay loyal to one online casino as they are being directly rewarded for their repeat visits. In short, in the intensely competitive world of online casinos, all high-quality sites are engaged in an ongoing strategy of offering increasingly attractive loyalty schemes to retain their players. 

Targeted email promotions

When a customer purchases from an online shop for the first time, they will likely need to register for a customer account. In almost all circumstances, they will be required to provide a valid email address. Once the company has this piece of electronic information (if you do not opt out of all online marketing when you choose your preferences), you will then be on the company’s email marketing list. Inevitably, you will start to receive targeted marketing in the form of email promotions sent to your inbox. An estimated 82% of B2C companies use this form of promotion in an attempt to secure repeat purchases from their site and cultivate a loyal customer base. More sophisticated forms of email marketing may allow companies to track your purchase history, thereby offering promotions on products that you are likely to be interested in. 

Exceptional customer service

Finally, it is well understood in online business that providing exceptional customer service is a key way to secure repeat customers. Firms can achieve this by providing chatbots that answer simple customer queries (often by directing them to the “FAQ” pages of the website). This allows a rapid solution to common questions, ensuring that customers do not need to wait for extended periods for a response or resolution. In addition, online firms will have a team of customer service professionals who can swiftly resolve more complex queries and complaints. Customers are more likely to make repeat purchases after finding the need to complain, provided that their concerns are dealt with efficiently and to their satisfaction.

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