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Expectations from Air Duct Cleaning

by Abdus Subhan
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Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t give their air ducts the value they deserve. For most people, air duct cleaning is a procedure they don’t relate to. Homeowners should understand that cleaning their air ducts is important to maintain good air quality inside.

Like any other home part, cleaning the air ducts should be taken seriously. You may only need to clean the air ducts occasionally, as with most of the other services in your home, but ensuring that they are always in clean condition is important. Find out what to expect from a professional air duct cleaning procedure below.

  1. Proper Preparation For The Cleaning Procedure

Before the actual procedure starts, you must do some initial preparation. This preparation helps save time once the team of technicians gets to your home. It also helps ensure that you get any items near the air ducts to safety to avoid damage during the process.

The most important part of the preparation is to create a way to access the registers and the entire ductwork. 

Get your children and pets to a different place before the process starts. This is because the cleaning process may emit dirt that may harm their health, or they could interfere with fast cleaning if they are playing around.

  1. The Dirt Inside The Air Ducts

Most homeowners assume that there is no way dirt could find its way to places in their homes, such as the ducts. The air ducts are like a hiding area for dust and other contaminants. 

You may think your home is dust-free, especially if you regularly dust your surfaces, but there is no escape if you’ve never cleaned the air duct. 

If the air ducts are dusty, no matter how much you clean the rest of the home, it will always be dusty, which can be frustrating. This is because the air ducts are the major supply of air to the inside of the home other than the windows and the doors.

When we talk of accumulated dust in the air ducts, it could mean anything from dirt, allergens, pollen grains, hair or fur, and mold. All these contaminants are harmful to our health if inhaled through the air we breathe inside our homes.

Dirt in the air ducts can include all sorts of components from the outside. When professionals clean the ducts, homeowners should not be shocked or surprised by the contaminants.

  1. How Regularly Should The Ducts Be Cleaned

The question of how regularly the ducts should be cleaned depends on various factors. First and foremost, the environment around your home determines how dusty your air ducts could get. If you live in a very dusty area or an area with a lot of pollination happening with the plants around, the air ducts could need cleaning regularly.

Secondly, homeowners with pets with a lot of hair or fur should also consider having the ducts cleaned more often.

Under other normal circumstances, it is recommended to have the ducts cleaned once every five years. Homeowners should evaluate their air duct condition and always conduct inspections to determine when is the right time to have the ducts cleaned.

 You can always get experts from an air duct cleaning company to evaluate and determine the critical contamination in your ducts and advise on the best course of action. 

There are also many obvious signs that indicate you need to have your ducts cleaned. These signs include excess dust on surfaces, allergen reactions, and visible dust in the air.

  1. How Long Is The Process Of Duct Cleaning

The process of duct cleaning may take varying lengths based on various factors. One of the giant determinants of how long it takes to clean the air ducts is how dirty they are and the number of ducts in your home.

On average, cleaning the ducts takes around three to four hours. It is important to note that this time may vary depending on how the technicians handle the process and how well-prepared you are.

  1. Does Cleaning The Air Ducts Generate A Lot Of Noise

The process of cleaning the air ducts may produce noise, but the levels of noise are bearable. This may, however, vary depending on the equipment used and the level of expertise applied.

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