
Home Business EPR as a Solution for Plastic Waste Management: What You Should Know

EPR as a Solution for Plastic Waste Management: What You Should Know

by henrycruise
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Plastic Waste Management

There are many ways that can be done to handle the plastic waste problem. First, it is important to reduce the use of plastics. It will take a long time for people to change their habits and start using fewer plastics, so in the meantime, we should do our best at recycling what we can. There are many types of recycling processes in Plastic Waste Management, but one that stands out is called EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility).

The idea of EPR is simple: producers are required to fund the entire cost of managing their products once they’ve been consumed by the consumer. The producer pays for collection, sorting, and recycling. They also cover any costs from pollution or impacts on human health created by their product. Here’s how it works.

The impacts of plastic waste on our environment can be devastating. A lot of this pollution is caused by disposable plastic items that are disposed of inappropriately. This includes things like plastic utensils, straws, bags, and other disposable plastics. These items often get thrown out carelessly and end up in the wrong place—leading to issues like improperly managed waste and litter accumulation. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to reduce your use of disposable plastics to help protect the environment. One way is to register for EPR in Plastic Waste Management Registration. Once you register your business or organization you will be able to track.

EPR as a Solution for Plastic Waste Management

A recent study estimates that there are over 150 million metric tons of plastic that have been manufactured since 1950 and have yet to be disposed of. This means that 8.3 billion pounds of our recycled plastic are dumped into the ocean every year, which equates to 5 grocery bags worth of plastic for every foot of coastline in the world. The study also notes that if current trends continue, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. 

In this article, you will learn about a new technology called EPR that can help manage. our plastic waste problem and make the oceans a healthier place for generations to come. Many countries have a system for recycling plastic waste. In the United States, for example, many states have laws that require manufacturers to pay the costs of product take-back and recycling programs. This is called extended producer responsibility (EPR).

This policy is controversial because it puts the burden on those who are creating the waste, rather than on those who consume it. There are also arguments that EPR will lead to higher prices for consumers. However, there are many benefits of extended producer responsibility (EPR). For example, some studies show that EPR can reduce littering by making manufacturers responsible for collecting their products after use. It can also create jobs in the recycling industry and make the process of recycling more cost-effective.


  • The process starts with CPCB/SPCB registration and the submission of CPCB-required documents, which include an action plan, agreement, certificates, licenses, and other items.
  • The next step is for an authorised waste management agency to collect an agreed volume of post-consumer plastic trash from a desired area over the period of a year and recycle or dispose of it securely according to CPCB/SPCB criteria.
  • The waste collection agency will give evidence documents of waste collection operations in the form of appropriate papers.
  • The PIBOM’s agency will submit a quarterly report to the CPCB on their behalf.
  • The agency will submit a final report to PIBOM after the activity is completed.

Read Also: How to Get EPR Authorization: A Step-by-Step Guide

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