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Dominica: Benefit from the Citizenship-By-Investment Program

Discover the allure of Caribbean islands for visionary individuals seeking banking opportunities, company registration, trusts, and citizenship by investment. Obtain a second passport through economic citizenship programs, gaining advantages like relocation security, visa-free travel, and access to the Caribbean Community.

Caribbean islands are an attractive region for far-sighted people who benefit from its banking opportunities, register companies and set up trusts here, and apply for citizenship by investment. The latter (also referred to as “economic citizenship”) means that you get a passport in addition to the one you currently have in return for investment in the Caribbean island’s economy. There are some general advantages (you have a place to relocate to if something happens in your home country) and those you can use straight away (like visa-free access to many countries or the possibility to live and work in the whole Caribbean Community as you get a CARICOM passport).

If this topic is new to you, we invite you to our portal where you will find a lot of articles on different citizenship by investment programs. In particular, read our post on the safest and cheapest Caribbean islands where we discuss all available options and help you arrive at some conclusion. We have qualified specialists who will help you with any aspect of offshore activities, be it citizenship, company, bank account, asset management, or investment.

Dominican Citizenship: Advantages

In this post, we will take a brief look at Dominica, a beautiful island that offers its passport to eligible candidates and their families. Here is what you get by investing in the Dominican economy:

Does that sound impressive? Dominica really has a lot to offer, and you can contact us by following the above link for a smooth experience in obtaining a second passport on the beautiful island.

Dominica’s Economic Citizenship: Conditions

First of all, you are required to be at least 18 years of age to qualify as the main applicant. If you do, you can apply on your own or include your relatives in the collective application.

You will have to make an investment in the country’s economy in one of the following ways:

Let’s have a more detailed look at each option.

Donation to the Economic Diversification Fund

The amount you pay in this case is non-refundable, and it is used by the local government to develop the economy and public sector of the jurisdiction: build schools, hospitals and stadiums, and promote offshore sector activities.

The amount you will have to donate depends on the number of applicants:

This is the main amount you will be required to contribute, and there are several minor fees that are also applicable:

Purchasing Real Estate

You will be liable for a government fee if you acquire real estate:

If the main applicant has siblings and wants to include them (along with their spouses or without) in the application, each such applicant will come at USD 50,000.

Additional minor fees are identical to those mentioned in the previous section.

Important Final Details

How long will it take to become a second passport owner? Well, expect at least 6 months. It takes time, and you cannot reasonably become a citizen of another state overnight.

Dominican authorities do not work with applicants directly: you will need a licensed agent who will manage your application process. Fortunately, we have reliable agents on-site, and you can get one by contacting us using the link above. We are ready to answer any questions you may have about the Dominican citizenship-by-investment opportunity and help you with any issues that arise.

Today is a good day to make your first step to Caribbean citizenship!

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