
Home Technology Choosing the Right Solar Battery Storage Solution for Your Home

Choosing the Right Solar Battery Storage Solution for Your Home

by Michael
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Solar battery storage is becoming more popular in the solar energy market.

They are not mandatory for your solar installation, but they can add great value and efficiency.

The interest in a solar battery stands on its capacity to store excess solar energy. When you have a solar installation, your solar panels will be exposed to sunlight and produce energy that will be directly used in your home.

Sometimes, your panels create too much energy, and without solar batteries, the excess energy will be sold to the grid. You will then have to buy it again from the grid when your solar panel doesn’t produce electricity, like during the evenings.

A solar battery will allow you to be more independent from the grid, as long as you choose the best solar battery storage for your home.

Here are tips that you must consider before investing in your solar battery storage.

Consider your electricity need

Define clearly your monthly electricity consumption so you have a proper notion of the electricity amount you need. You can go through your electricity bills or ask your electric company. Using your old bills, you can define an average amount and top it up.

When it comes to energy it is always safer to see bigger so you will never have to restrain yourself rather than smaller and always being aware of your consumption.

Stock capacity

Now that you know how much electricity you need per month, you can choose the right stock capacity of your solar battery. There are different types and capacities, so be well advised. Don’t hesitate to ask a professional. Make sure that the solar battery storage will be able to be completely filled by your solar panel every day so you don’t run out of electricity.

Power rating

The power rating can be defined as the energy needed to run appliances. If the power rating is too low, it may not allow your washing machine, dishwasher, and aircon to run at the same time. It is calculated in kilowatts per hour kWh. Make sure the power rating of your solar battery will be enough to keep your home or business functioning.

Back up power

One of the benefits of using solar electricity is to be self-sufficient from the main grid. Solar battery storage can help you to reach this autonomy which would be especially appreciated during a blackout. So, when choosing your battery, make sure that you take the type that can still be charged when the grid is off. Some battery types will not function without the grid.

A professional worker will need to set up the option on your solar battery, and you might need extra hardware to have this backup power in case of a blackout.

Battery life

Battery life is a very important factor. To find out these details, you can check the warranty. It will be written in a number of years and cycles. This is because the lifetime of a battery is calculated by the number of times the battery is charged and discharged, which are considered as one cycle.

Lithium-ion batteries usually offer a longer lifespan than solar batteries.

Professional advice

Choosing the right professional will help you to get the best solar battery storage for your home. They will be able to help you check your need but also to install it properly and ensure maintenance when needed. Choose a reputable and experienced company.


Solar battery storage is a great value to add to your solar panel installation. The technologies in the solar industry are constantly evolving and offering the best for your home.

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