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CBD Oil For Anxiety During College

by abdullahbaloch
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Last modified on November 17th, 2022 at 6:14 pm

Hi everyone, my name is Audrey. I’m currently in my final year of my Bachelor of Economics studies and only started taking CBD roughly a year ago. For today’s personal blog, I’ll be talking about my experience with CBD so far, how I started taking CBD Oil Australia, and the results I’ve gotten from taking CBD. 

For most of us students, anxiety is something that we’ve all experienced a few times throughout our studies. The social and academic pressure we take on as college students is at its peak and we are expected to perform at our very best. Additionally, some of us have part-time jobs to maintain our lifestyle as college students. This responsibility can really get the best of us. Including myself.

Ever since the age of 18 I was properly diagnosed with mild OCD and GAD (General Anxiety Disorder) and am fully aware of this demon that I battle with on a daily basis. Since my diagnosis, I’ve been taking medications that help me get by. However, I noticed over the years that my anxiety’s only gotten worse. Not in the sense that I have worse panic attacks, just in the sense that I’ve grown a whole new relationship with my anxiety which continues to affect my micro-decisions in a negative way.

One evening last year, I was visited by a friend from California who brought with him some CBD candy. After taking it that night, I honestly didn’t feel any difference. I didn’t really do any research about CBD and how it works, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. However, after that night, I started spending more time reading about CBD and how people can really use CBD for Anxiety in Australia. 

Not long during my research, news came out that CBD has been legalised in Australia. At first, finding the right information and sources was nearly impossible. However, I eventually came across CBD Oil Australia’s page which had published its Top 3 CBD brands at the time. I was desperate to find a solution to my anxiety that’s been infesting my life and wanted something that can end it once and for all. With a thorough read on how to buy CBD oil online in Australia. I made my first commitment to purchasing CBD with Lullaby Luxury’s Full-Spectrum CBD Oil, an Australian based CBD brand that seems to offer the fastest delivery times and certified quality products.

When I first started taking CBD Oil orally, I immediately had a different experience than the last time with the CBD candy. I noticed within the first weeks of taking it that I’ve had less trouble getting proper sleep. I fell asleep way easier and woke up feeling refreshed and well rested. My days would in turn become more productive and generally felt better. After about a month of taking CBD twice a day, I had come to a point where I realised I was starting to peel back the hands of anxiety on my life and really took full control of what I intended to do and when. I started to get a feeling of truly having control over my thoughts and emotions. 

Now, I’ve reduced my anxiety medication intake to just a fraction of what it was a year ago and never felt more excited to graduate into the world of careers. I’ve gotten some friends to take CBD for their own purposes as well and they tell me their miraculous results. If you’re interested in taking CBD to help yourself with any sort of anxiety, sleep, and even chronic pain issues, please take my word for it and try it out.

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