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Bottle Feeding vs Breast Feeding: What’s Best for Mom and Baby?

One of the most important decisions to make when new to motherhood is whether or not to breastfeed your baby. 

According to studies, more than 83% of babies are breastfed when they are born. Those numbers drop tremendously as babies grow. By 6 months, the rate drops to slightly less than 25%. 

A lot goes into this decision, including personal preferences and figuring out what’s best for the baby and the mom. These tips will help you out when exploring bottle feeding vs breast feeding. 

Breastfeeding Has Vital Nutrients

One of the main reasons to breastfeed is that mother’s milk is absolutely loaded with vital nutrients. This is particularly helpful for premature babies who need help growing and developing. 

Some of the most important nutrients found in breastmilk include:

You will be able to help your baby develop their digestive system, immune system, and other aspects of their health and wellness. 

It Creates an Amazing Bonding Experience

The bonding experience is one of the main things that you don’t get when you use baby formula instead of nursing. Some of mothers’ fondest memories when looking back go back to the bonding experience they had when their baby was nursing. 

You get to experience the gift of feeding your baby while providing nourishment and comfort. It’s a loving time that lets you appreciate the wonder of life and nature. Babies that are breastfed feel a unique bond with their mothers, have a sense of comfort, and reduce stress. 

Breastmilk Helps With Areas of Infant Development

Because breastmilk has so many different nutrients, your child will have the chance to grow and develop to the fullest. There are a variety of developmental issues that breastmilk helps with. 

For instance, babies that are breastfed have less of a risk of suffering from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Your baby will be less likely to deal with childhood obesity, will lower the risk of ear infections, and stomach issues. 

You can protect your baby from some of the most common issues, which also gives you peace of mind. 

New Moms Burn Plenty of Calories

New mothers will also appreciate the fact that they’ll be able to burn plenty of calories by breastfeeding. If you are trying to get back down to your pre-baby weight, it can happen quicker if you’re breastfeeding every day. 

It’s a healthy way to burn calories, and you’ll also be more compelled to eat healthy since you’re passing nutrients on to your baby through your milk. Make sure to also explore breastfeeding tips for new mothers that you can keep in mind. 

Bottle Feeding vs Breast Feeding 101

These tips are helpful when you’re looking into bottle feeding vs breast feeding. At the end of the day, make sure that you do what works best for your family while making sure your baby gets everything that they need. 

Start here and use our other articles when you’d like to learn more about motherhood, parenthood, and other aspects of life.

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