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Best State Parks to See in Arkansas

Little Rock houses for sale

If Arkansas isn’t the first state that comes to mind when you think of national and state parks, then it’s time to reconsider!  This beautiful state has countless parks that pull tourists and ensure that people show an interest in Little Rock houses for sale.  Every park on this list has its quirks and intrigues, and by the time you finish reading, you’ll want to book your trip so that you can go!

Petit Jean State Park

Locals Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5 stars.

Where to Find The Park: Morrilton, Arkansas.

As the most popular state park in Arkansas, the Petit Jean State Park is the most visited and brings in the most revenue.  With a great view of the mountains and rivers, this park has breathtaking spaces where you can stop and take pictures.  Every angle is postcard perfect. 

Lake Catherine State Park

Locals Rating: 4.7 stars out of 5 stars.

Where to Find The Park: Hot Springs, Arkansas.

With under 2,500 acres, this smaller park is focused on allowing guests the best camping experience possible.  Outfitted for visitors to enjoy fishing, hiking, camping, and other outdoor sports, Lake Catherine State Park works and plays hard!  Although this park has had issues recently with campers putting out their forest correctly, it’s nothing that a skilled trailer would have any problem with.

Lake Ouachita State Park

Locals Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5 stars.

Where to Find The Park: Mountain Pine, Arkansas.

Ten miles north of Hot Springs, this park is home to the largest artificial lake in existence.  The beautiful waters of Lake Ouachita are fantastic for swimming, fishing, and boating.  Enjoying the lake, it’s hard to tell that this was dug up and filled with water by people!  This lake and park are a must-see for anyone driving through the area. 

Pinnacle Mountain State Park

Locals Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5 stars.

Where to Find The Park: Roland, Arkansas.

Another small park, Pinnacle Mountain, is a recreational area that aims towards campers and hikers alike.  Although the camps are closed for six months of the year, there’s still access to hiking and having fun!  The views on Pinnacle Mountain are breathtaking and will make you want to move here for life.

Mount Magazine State Park

Locals Rating: 4.8 stars out of 5 stars.

Where to Find The Park: Paris, Arkansas.

Have you ever been hang-gliding or mountain biking?  If not, this is the place to do it!  With trained professionals on hand to help prepare so that you don’t get into any accidents.  All of the available machines have been tried and used by countless people and help create a space that’s both fun and thrilling for everyone who visits!

These parks are incredible pieces of land with amazing views and endless chances for beautiful interaction with nature.  From camping to kayaking, you have the opportunity to form your own experience and enjoy this land like the wild and free wilderness it is!

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