
Home Health & beauty How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings?

How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings?

by aamritri
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How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings

Alcoholism is a universal menace. Many individuals want to get rid of the habit. Alcoholics Anonymous welcomes anyone who wants to get rid of the addiction by making sincere efforts. AA meetings play a vital role in bringing like-minded alcoholics on a single platform to share experiences and help others. Read about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings below.

AA meeting – the right place to start a new life

AA meetings have two types of formats. These meetings last for one hour as the facilitator of the AA meeting has to comply with the norms. Nobody can force you to attend AA meetings because attendance is purely voluntary.

  • Open AA meetings – These are open for alcoholics or their relatives. Anyone interested to know the working of Alcoholics Anonymous can also attend these meetings. Individuals who are not sure of their addiction can also show up in these meetings. Nobody will suspect you being an alcoholic just because you are taking part in the AA meeting.
  • Closed AA meeting– These meetings focus on a particular member who wants to stop drinking alcohol. Other members offer their support and share their experiences to boost the morale of the individual.

Spiritual motivation

Members of Alcoholics Anonymous derive spiritual energy from the twelve guiding principles that facilitate recovery from alcohol addiction. The first step makes the individuals accept their addiction and the devastating effects on their lives and family members.

The members also accept that only the supreme power of God can save them from the habit and restore happiness. All members of the AA group pledge to help themselves and others recover from alcohol addiction.

Individuals who have recovered from being alcoholics may offer to share experiences with the group. These speeches are nothing but real-life stories, useful to motivate others. You can also have a one-to-one discussion with the speaker or anybody who has successfully overcome the habit.

Attending an AA meeting

You need not pay any fees to attend the AA Meeting or become a member of the Alcoholics Anonymous program. Sponsorships cover the regular expenses of refreshments or rent for the meeting hall. Locating an AA Meeting is easy with an AA meeting locator

You may also use the AA meeting directory to find details of meetings like schedules and locations. It will help you reach the nearest meeting place on time. Participation is entirely voluntary.

The program of Alcoholics Anonymous focuses on helping anyone who is struggling to get rid of the habit. You can also continue to attend the meetings to maintain the state of sobriety. AA meeting is a supportive platform that is helping millions recover from the habit of alcohol through the 12-step program. Try searching from the AA meetings locator if you wish to attend an AA meeting near you.

In conclusion

Alcoholics Anonymous is a helpful resource if you desire to overcome the habit of drinking through its local AA meetings. The program has the distinction of being the most effective option to treat alcohol addiction and maintain sobriety.

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