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Understanding The Role Of Pediatric Dentistry In Early Orthodontic Treatment

by Richard Smith
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Last modified on December 25th, 2023 at 9:02 pm

Pediatric dentistry plays a significant role in improving children’s oral health and overall well-being, with early orthodontic treatment playing a pivotal role. One aspect that often goes underrated but has profound implications is this approach. Many parents may not realize the long-term positive impacts this could have on their child’s oral health; we will explore here the role that pediatric dentistry can have with early orthodontic care, highlighting timely intervention for optimal smile health in our discussion of pediatric orthodontic early treatment.

Early Orthodontic Treatment: What Is It?

Early or interceptive orthodontic treatment aims to identify and address orthodontic issues in children before they reach primary or mixed dentition stage. This period typically spans from the ages of six to 12, when children still possess baby teeth but permanent ones begin emerging.

Early orthodontic treatment aims to direct and correct jaw growth while aligning newly emerging permanent teeth to create harmony between upper and lower jaws and ensure all the teeth fit together correctly. Early intervention can prevent more serious orthodontic issues from emerging as the child matures.

The Role Of Pediatric Dentists In Early Orthodontic Treatment

Pediatric dentists specialize in diagnosing and treating orthodontic issues in children. By following their oral development over time, pediatric dentists can spot early warning signals for potential orthodontic issues that require early treatment – something pediatric dentists are experts at doing. Their roles as early orthodontic treatment providers include:

Early Detection: Pediatric dentists can detect even the subtlest indications of orthodontic issues during regular dental exams, including overcrowding, crossbites, underbites and alignment issues that might otherwise go undetected.

Monitoring Growth: Pediatric dentists closely monitor a child’s dental and facial development as they grow. They can track changes in the alignment of primary and permanent teeth and assess the development of the jaws.

Intervention Planning: When an orthodontic issue is identified, pediatric dentists work in collaboration with orthodontists to devise an intervention plan. This may involve the use of appliances or braces in order to direct jaw growth and correct alignment issues.

Preventing Complications: Early orthodontic treatment can help avoid more serious dental issues from occurring later. By addressing problems quickly, extensive orthodontic work in the future may be reduced significantly.

Benefits Of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment offers numerous benefits for children and their oral health. Let’s explore some of the advantages:

Improved Oral Function: Correcting alignment issues early can lead to better oral function, including improved chewing and speech.

Enhanced Aesthetic Appearance: Early treatment can improve a child’s smile and increase their self-confidence.

Preventing Dental Damage: Solving orthodontic issues early can help protect teeth against wear and damage caused by misalignments.

Easier Future Orthodontic Treatment: Early intervention may reduce the complexity and duration of subsequent orthodontic treatment, such as braces.

Better Jaw Growth: Guiding the growth of the jaws can create a more balanced facial profile and reduce the risk of jaw-related issues.

Common Orthodontic Issues In Children

Now that we appreciate the value of early orthodontic treatment, let’s examine some common orthodontic issues pediatric dentists may address:

Crowding: Crowded teeth occur when there is not enough space in the jaw for all permanent teeth to erupt properly, leading to misalignment and difficulty cleaning them properly. This may lead to misalignment as well as difficulty with cleaning of these teeth.

Crossbite: Crossbite is a condition where the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth when the jaws are closed. It can affect the proper growth of the jaws and lead to jaw misalignment.

Overbite: When the top front teeth meet a lot with the lower front teeth, you have an overbite. This condition can affect a child’s bite and facial appearance.

Underbite: An underbite occurs when the lower front teeth protrude beyond the upper front teeth when jaws are closed, as shown above.

Open Bite: An open bite is defined by an interval between the upper and lower front teeth when both jaws are closed, leaving gaps between them that impede speech and chewing ability. An open bite can have serious repercussions both speech and chewing ability.

Treatment Options For Early Orthodontic Issues

Early orthodontic treatment involves various options depending on the nature and age of the problem, which include:

Palatal Expanders: Palatal expanders are used to widen the upper jaw, creating more space for emerging permanent teeth.

Space Maintainers: Space maintainers are appliances that prevent the shifting of teeth when a primary tooth is lost prematurely, ensuring proper alignment for permanent teeth.

Braces: In some cases, traditional braces may be used to correct misalignment issues. These braces are often more lightweight and discreet than those used in older adolescents or adults.

Invisalign For Teens: Invisalign offers a more discreet and comfortable option for older children and teens who require orthodontic treatment.

Headgear: Headgear may be prescribed in cases where jaw growth needs to be guided or controlled.


Early orthodontic treatment is an integral component of pediatric dentistry, helping children address any alignment issues in their formative years. Pediatric dentists are experts at detecting, diagnosing, and managing orthodontic issues affecting your child’s oral health – taking advantage of early intervention can establish the foundation for lifelong healthy smiles!

If you’re curious to find out more about early orthodontic treatment and its potential benefits for your child, click here and schedule an appointment at The Kids Dental Office of Phoenix. Our knowledgeable team is committed to providing excellent dental health services for the kids of Phoenix; don’t wait; start building the confidence and healthy smile of your young one today.

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