
Home Technology 9 Best Browser-based 3D Modelling Software of 2023

9 Best Browser-based 3D Modelling Software of 2023

by Syed Qasim
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Last modified on November 26th, 2023 at 8:55 pm

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, having access to powerful 3D modeling software no longer requires extensive installations or expensive licenses. Thanks to the advancements in web technologies, browser-based 3D modeling programs have become increasingly popular, allowing users to unleash their creativity from anywhere with an internet connection. This article explores the 9 best browser-based 3D modeling software options, providing users with the tools to bring their ideas to life.

1. SelfCAD

SelfCAD is a user-friendly browser-based 3D modeling software that empowers users to create, modify, and sculpt their designs all within a single platform. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive feature set, SelfCAD caters to beginners and professionals. Whether designing a simple object or tackling a complex project, SelfCAD provides the tools to bring your ideas to life. 

Its parametric modeling capabilities allow for precise control over dimensions and measurements, while its sculpting tools enable users to add organic shapes and intricate details to their designs. With SelfCAD’s integrated slicing functionality, users can seamlessly transition from design to preparation for 3D printing. Generate support structures, optimize print settings, and preview the sliced model before exporting it as an STL file. SelfCAD’s all-in-one approach simplifies the 3D printing workflow and offers a seamless transition from design to printing.

2. Tinkercad

Tinkercad is a popular and user-friendly browser-based 3D modeling software suitable for beginners and educational purposes. Its intuitive interface and simple design tools make it easy to create basic 3D models without needing prior experience. Tinkercad’s drag-and-drop functionality allows users to manipulate and combine geometric shapes to build their desired objects. The software also offers helpful features like alignment tools, measurement tools, and grouping capabilities. 

Tinkercad’s user-friendly nature makes it an excellent choice for introducing 3D modeling concepts to learners of all ages, making it a favorite among educators. Students can quickly grasp the fundamentals of 3D design and unleash their creativity by bringing their ideas to life. Tinkercad’s browser-based platform allows easy accessibility from any device with an internet connection, providing users with a seamless and convenient experience.

3. is a feature-rich browser-based 3D modeling and rendering software that caters to professional designers and artists. With its robust editing tools and advanced functionalities, offers a comprehensive platform for creating stunning 3D models. Its support for various file formats ensures seamless compatibility and allows users to import and export models from other software applications. also offers notable animation capabilities. Users can bring their designs to life by creating dynamic and engaging animations. From simple object movements to complex character animations, provides the necessary tools to create captivating visual experiences. Additionally, offers physics simulation, enabling users to simulate realistic physics effects such as gravity, collisions, and dynamics within their 3D scenes. This feature enhances the realism and authenticity of the designs and makes education fun!

4. 3D Slash

3D Slash is an innovative browser-based 3D modeling software that stands out for its simplicity and accessibility. It takes a unique approach to 3D modeling, adopting a “digital hammer and chisel” concept. Users can shape and sculpt 3D models by carving and removing virtual blocks, making the modeling process intuitive and easy to grasp. This approach makes 3D modeling more approachable, especially for beginners and those new to the field.

3D Slash offers its users a gamified experience. The software offers a user-friendly interface that resembles a video game, allowing users to interact with the 3D models fun and engagingly. This gamification aspect makes the learning process enjoyable and encourages creativity and exploration. 3D Slash is particularly popular among beginners and educators looking for accessible 3D modeling software. With 3D Slash, users can quickly grasp the basics of 3D design and start creating simple models in minutes.

5. SketchUp Free

SketchUp Free is the browser-based version of the well-known 3D modeling software SketchUp. It offers a simplified and intuitive interface, making it a popular choice for various design disciplines, including architectural design, interior design, and product visualization. With its wide range of modeling tools and features, SketchUp Free provides users the flexibility and versatility to bring their ideas to life. 

SketchUp Free is easy to use, especially for users already familiar with the desktop version of SketchUp. The transition from the desktop to the browser-based version is seamless, allowing users to continue their design projects without any significant learning curve. SketchUp Free offers a comprehensive set of modeling tools, including drawing and editing tools, and a vast library of pre-designed models and textures. It enables users to quickly create and customize their designs, whether a detailed architectural plan or a 3D product prototype. 

6. SculptGL

SculptGL is a remarkable browser-based sculpting tool that caters specifically to the needs of digital sculptors and modelers. With its extensive brushes and intuitive controls, SculptGL provides a highly immersive experience for manipulating and shaping virtual clay. This tool is trendy among artists and designers who seek to create organic and intricate models.

SculptGL has a wide range of sculpting brushes. From standard brushes like clay buildup and smooth to more specialized brushes such as inflate and crease, SculptGL offers a versatile toolkit that allows users to sculpt with precision and detail. The intuitive controls enable users to adjust brush size, intensity, and other parameters dynamically, providing a seamless and immersive sculpting experience. SculptGL’s focus on digital sculpting makes it an ideal choice for artists who want to create organic and expressive models. 

7. Onshape

Onshape is a sophisticated browser-based 3D CAD software specifically developed for professional use. With its comprehensive modeling and collaboration tools, Onshape empowers users to create complex and intricate designs while facilitating seamless real-time collaboration. One of the critical advantages of Onshape is its cloud-based approach, which allows users to access their designs from any device with an internet connection, ensuring flexibility and convenience. 

Onshape provides a wide range of powerful modeling tools that enable users to create precise and detailed designs. From sketching and solid modeling to advanced surfacing and assembly design, Onshape offers a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the needs of professional designers and engineers. The real-time collaboration feature allows teams to collaborate seamlessly, making design reviews, modifications, and updates efficient and hassle-free. With its cloud-based infrastructure, Onshape ensures that everyone involved in the design process has access to the latest version of the design, eliminating the need for file sharing and version control issues.

8. Morphi

Morphi is a user-friendly browser-based 3D modeling software that has been designed to cater to the needs of both beginners and professionals alike. With its intuitive interface and diverse tools, Morphi provides a user-friendly platform for creating 3D models. Whether you’re a novice just starting with 3D modeling or an experienced designer, Morphi offers an accessible experience with its versatile toolset. The software includes sketching capabilities that allow users to draw and create 2D shapes, which can then be extruded into 3D objects. 

Morphi also offers options for 3D printing, making it a practical choice for users who want to bring their designs to life. The software provides features for adjusting print settings, such as scale and resolution, and allows for the export of models in various file formats. With its browser-based nature, Morphi offers the convenience of accessibility from any device with an internet connection. It allows users to work on their designs wherever and whenever inspiration strikes. Whether on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet, Morphi ensures you have the tools you need to create and iterate on your 3D models.

9. Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a comprehensive browser-based 3D modeling and design software that has gained significant popularity among professionals in various industries. Its extensive range of advanced tools and features makes it a go-to choice for engineers, designers, and manufacturers. Fusion 360 offers diverse functionalities, including parametric modeling, assembly design, simulation, and rendering, allowing users to create complex and intricate designs. Its parametric modeling capabilities enable users to create designs that can be easily modified and updated by changing parameters, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in the design process.

Another notable feature of Fusion 360 is its assembly design functionality that you can create designs ready for 3D printers. Users can create assemblies of multiple components and simulate their interactions and movements. With Fusion 360’s assembly design tools, users can ensure their designs are optimized for functionality and performance. Fusion 360 also offers simulation capabilities, enabling users to test their designs’ structural integrity and behavior under different conditions. Whether a mechanical engineer, product designer, or manufacturer, Fusion 360 provides the tools to bring your ideas to life.


The availability of browser-based 3D modeling software has revolutionized the accessibility and convenience of creating 3D models. Whether you’re a beginner, an educator, or a professional designer, these 9 best browser-based options provide the tools and features needed to unleash your creativity from anywhere. 

From SelfCAD’s comprehensive suite of tools to Tinkercad’s simplicity and Vectary’s versatility to Fusion 360’s professional-grade capabilities, these software choices ensure that anyone can dive into the exciting world of 3D modeling without the need for complex installations or expensive licenses. However, SelfCAD stands as the perfect choice among all the enlisted software. Embrace the power of browser-based 3D modeling and bring your ideas to life quickly and conveniently.

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