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6 Best Benefits of Using a Scrabble Dictionary

Scrabble Dictionary

Image: Pixabay

Scrabble is a popular word game owned by Hasbro Inc in the United States of America and Mattel in the rest of the world. Scrabble follows its dictionary. Several words in this dictionary are not considered valid in the original English dictionary.

Using a Scrabble dictionary comes in handy, especially while playing Scrabble initially. You can not rely on words from the original English dictionary because several words are invalid in the Scrabble dictionary and vice-versa.

Here are some other benefits of using the Scrabble dictionary.

1) Scrabble Dictionary Is Beneficial for Improving at Scrabble

 It is one of the most obvious uses of a Scrabble dictionary. Scrabble does not accept all the words from a normal English dictionary and also allows words that the English dictionary does not accept, which means that your opponent can guess and use a word in the game, leaving you bamboozled. 

It can also help people that are not native English speakers or new to Scrabble. Scrabble dictionary gives them all valid words they can use to win their next game of Scrabble. A Scrabble dictionary makes it easy to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable Scrabble words.

For instance, CWMS is a valid Scrabble word, but not all might be familiar with it. I was also surprised when I heard this word, even though I am a native English speaker.

2) Scrabble Dictionary Is Beneficial for Spelling Checks

It is necessary to ensure you all are correctly spelling words in word games. The slightest mistake in a game like Scrabble can have consequences because that word might be incorrect as per the English dictionary but not the Scrabble dictionary.

So, you might want to keep a word list with you to ensure that all the words are valid Scrabble words. You can also use that dictionary to know the meaning of a newly found word and use it later in a game or somewhere else.

3) Scrabble Dictionary Helps you Playing Like a Pro

Using tips and tricks to win Scrabble games might be a decent way but using a Scrabble dictionary is the best. It helps you practice for high-level tournaments too. 

It gives you new words almost every time you use it. You can make words or combinations with the maximum possible character length and lists to dominate in any competition.

After every round or match, you can also check with the dictionary to ensure if you used the best words or if there were other better options. With a dictionary by your side, you can challenge yourself to improve. You can also use an account to sign in for more convenience and options.

4) Scrabble Dictionary Gives You Advanced Search Options

You can also take advantage of advanced search options to be more detailed with the searches. You can add several filters or conditions to generate a more accurate list of valid words. Here are some benefits of using it.

  1. You can have search results as per the character length, initials, number of vowels, etc.,
  1. You can find new words using the same letters to score extra points over your opponents,
  1. A Scrabble game takes up to 50 minutes on average to end. You can finish a game of Scrabble in 10-15 minutes using a Scrabble dictionary. 

Using it makes Scrabble a more convenient and fast-paced game, and you can also maintain its dignity by allowing other players to use the same dictionary. It is also a fun way to leave your opponent baffled by scoring a high-scoring word combination.

5) Using a Scrabble Dictionary as a Cheat Tool

Although it is illegal to use these dictionaries and word tools in competitions, using them while playing with your friends does not harm. They will make your next Scrabble game more fun and intense than ever.

6) You Can Use It in Other Word Games

Some words might be valid only in Scrabble, but you can use a majority of them in other word games too. Words With Friends uses a different dictionary than Scrabble but has almost the same words as it. 

You can also use a Scrabble dictionary to win more word games like Anagrams, Crosswords, Wordles, etc.

Wrapping Up

Using a dictionary while playing Scrabble is a fun way to do it. However, please do not use it in competitions, or you might get disqualified.

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