
Home Tips and Techniques 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Brazilian Culture

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Brazilian Culture

by Talha Seo
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Most people associate Brazil with the enormous Amazon rainforest, the great soccer players, and the yearly Carnival celebration. As with NYC, the city of Rio de Janeiro also springs to mind when one hears the word New York.

But Brazilian culture is much more than simply sports and celebrations. If you simply go to Brazil for vacation, you can miss all the subtleties and richness of Brazilian life.

Here are five things you didn’t know about Brazilian culture.

1. Most Biodiversity in the World

Brazil boasts the most biodiversity in the world, which is one of its least well-known features. There are more plants and animals in this nation than in any other.

In fact, the Amazon Basin has one of every ten species in the world regarding animals and plant life. As for birds and fish, it contains one in five of all species.

Brazil produces more than 20 percent of the oxygen in the globe and is home to more than 30 million people.

2. It Hosts the Deadliest Place on Earth

In spite of Brazil’s immense biodiversity, the country is home to one of the world’s most hazardous locations.

Queimada Grande Island, often referred to as Snake Island, is the deadliest spot on earth. This island cannot be entered by anybody without permission from the Brazilian Navy. This is due to the fact that poisonous snakes blanket the whole island.

3. World’s Largest Portuguese-Speaking Nation

Portuguese is the national language and most often spoken language in Portugal, despite the country’s remote location from Brazil. Actually, the biggest Portuguese-speaking nation in the world is Brazil. Brazil was formerly one of Portugal’s colonies, therefore this is a result of their lengthy history together.

4. 2.5 Million People Live in the Amazon Rainforest

Even though the Amazon Rainforest is most well known for its wildlife, it’s also where over 2.5 million Brazilians live. In the heart of the forest is the northwestern city of Manaus on the Negro River. It’s the Amazon’s largest city and a bustling urban center.

If you ever visit the country, it’s worthwhile to see this city existing in the middle of the sprawling rainforest.

5. There’s Big Support for Reforestation

The Amazon Rainforest is under continual danger from huge-scale agribusiness and ranching, as well as climate change.

Patricia Caring is one of the main advocates in support of reforestation and protecting Indigenous communities. Although The Caring Family Foundation is based in the UK, it’s the country’s biggest donor to the cause.

Explore More Brazilian Culture

The complexity of Brazilian culture means that there is an unending supply of Brazilian facts to learn more about the country. There would still be so much to see even if you went to all of the area’s main cities. Of course, if you want to visit some of the more hazardous locations, don’t forget to bring a doctor with you.

To find out more about politics, the environment, and activism, see some of our other articles.

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