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5 Online Tools That Help Students in Writing Research Papers

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Completing a research paper involves numerous activities. You have to draft the paper, research, capture graphics, cite sources, and create a bibliography, among other tasks. Apps help students to complete assignments faster and more accurately. They make it easier to execute instructions like formatting as well as achieve the desired structure. Other tools help to edit the paper, resulting in better grades. The internet has numerous tools, some serving the same purpose. Based on the task at hand, you have a lot of tools to choose from. Some can be used for multiple purposes or to complete assignments on different topics or subjects. Others are exclusive to a particular task. 

Some can be used for multiple purposes or to complete assignments on different topics or subjects.
Image Source: Pexels

The choice of an app will depend on the task where you need help. Read reviews of writing tools to determine customer experience and satisfaction. Trial versions on the other hand help you to test before buying. Here are excellent apps to use in writing your research paper. 

1. Grammarly 

Grammarly is a multipurpose writing tool for students and professionals alike. It especially helps you to edit your paper, resulting in a coherent and captivating discussion. You can also use the “do my dissertation for me” services, reducing the time it takes to complete the tasks. It also allows you to focus on other activities like sports, art, business, or a part-time job. 

Grammarly highlights such errors as punctuation, spelling, poor choice of words, and phrasing. In case some words are repetitive, it will provide alternatives to avoid cliché. The basic features of Grammarly are enough to help you to produce a captivating paper. It gets better once you pay a subscription. You access advanced features that will make your paper interesting to read. 

New features are helping students to avoid plagiarism. It will highlight the plagiarized sections and the websites from where the content comes. You can easily edit the paper. It is one of the best writing, editing, and plagiarism writing tools students can use. 

2. Google Docs

Google Docs is a text-generating and collaboration tool. It helps you draft your paper online, eliminating the need to download it. It is then shared with the recipient through email. 

Students can use google docs to complete group work. It provides a collaboration option where several users can populate the same document without being in the same room. It will track the contributions made by each participant. It also comes with editing options and add-ons that will make your work easier. 

3. RefMe

Students are required to cite the sources of all the information captured in their essays. The citations must follow a particular format based on the style. Each type of academic material, from a book to a journal, web link, or article must be distinct. RefMe is a platform that generates these citations automatically. It will reduce the time taken to complete the assignment. The platform will also ensure accuracy. 

4. Canva

Some assignments require graphics and images. Canva is an easy-to-use platform that does not require advanced IT or graphics skills. It will help you to illustrate your ideas, include images, and produce the best infographics for your research work without hiring expensive graphic designers. 

5. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a website that provides numerous videos and other academic materials for students at different levels. It helps the students to understand beyond what the teacher provided in class. You can also modify or generate new ideas based on the content on the platform. 

Writing tools enhance your ideas, resulting in a more compelling discussion. They reduce the time taken to complete the assignment, enabling you to enhance your college life. Many of these tools offer free features yet will transform your essay-writing experience.

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